Shangrila Rose

Tea type
Flowering Herbal Blend
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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1 Tasting Note

16899 tasting notes

Adventageddon Day 24

This is the only advent today that it’s finishing up – I’ll have one last day tomorrow. Part of me is kind of glad that we’re not closing things out on pure rose, but not because I have anything against the rose petals. I actually love rose as a flavour and I thought this was really lovely tasting, but it just doesn’t feel right as the last tea.

I brewed these straight in a glass teacup and it was REALLY interesting watching the pigment rapidly steep out of the petals. The liquor in the cup were from an initial blue to more of a grey-ish purple before finally landing at a soft, rose-y pink with the petals having virtually no colour left at all. My photo for this one was taken somewhere in the middle of all that.

The flavour was surprisingly sweet, and definitely very smooth and aromatic. If, like me, you like rose then you would have loved this because it was pure and pretty potent without going into hardcore perfume land. However, because it was so straight forward and authentic there’s nothing for those notes to “hide” with if you’re not a floral tea kind of person.

Today’s Advent Photos:

Song Pairing:

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