Lucky Duck
A Lucky Blend of Chai Spiced Chamomile Tea With Cinnamon, Orange, Clove and More!
Whether Your Down On Your Luck, Out Of Luck, Feelin’ Lucky, Gettin’ Lucky, Or Just Hopin’ To Hit It Big, The Lucky Duck Is The Thing You Need. Of Course, We Can Make No Guarantees Other Than It’s Darn Tasty!
Steeping Instructions: Measure 1.5 teaspoons of tea to 8 oz of water. Heat water to boiling 208 degrees, pour over the tea leaves, and steep tea leaves for five to six minutes.
3.75 oz. Organic & Fair Trade Ingredients: Organic Chamomile Organic Cinnamon, Organic Orange Peel, Organic Allspice, Organic Cloves, Organic Cardamom, Organic Ginger, Organic Star Anise.