Orange Brulee

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Not available
Orange, Caramel, Orange Zest
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Edit tea info Last updated by Kiaharii
Average preparation
185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 15 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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59 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Well i’m glad that tatooed_tea sent me another bit of this since it appears that i like it a bunch better this time around. While still not my favourite in any way, shape or form, it is better...” Read full tasting note
  • “Yeeaaaah!!!! Note 1200, with 4 minutes to go! (We’re pretending I live in Alberta, ok?) Also, happy slightly belated 1-year Steepsterversary to myself. Hahahaha. Like anyone with me on their...” Read full tasting note
  • “I searched through my sample and realized I only have 1 caramel piece! Haha. Oops? I have lots of orange peel, though. 1 tsp in 8 oz water. I really like this tea. Sweet candied orange peels, it’s...” Read full tasting note
  • “Yeesh, as soon as I cut open the pouch, my heart sank. The dry leaf smells like those cheap orange candies filled with sticky sweet syrup in the middle that you used to pick up at parades when you...” Read full tasting note

From Della Terra Teas

The naturally sweet, honey like flavor of this Oolong works perfectly with a rich caramel and bright orange notes. This tea is one for tea drinkers of all sorts, give it a try and find yourself coming back for more. Perfect for a midday treat.

Ingredients: Oolong tea, caramel and creme flavoring, orange peels and flavoring

Suggested brewing tips:
- Serving Size: 1 level tsp./6oz serving
- Water Temp: 176-185°F
- Steep Time: 2-3 minutes

About Della Terra Teas View company

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59 Tasting Notes

15534 tasting notes

Well i’m glad that tatooed_tea sent me another bit of this since it appears that i like it a bunch better this time around. While still not my favourite in any way, shape or form, it is better than it was when i had it before. So yay! for that!

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6117 tasting notes

Yeeaaaah!!!! Note 1200, with 4 minutes to go! (We’re pretending I live in Alberta, ok?) Also, happy slightly belated 1-year Steepsterversary to myself. Hahahaha. Like anyone with me on their dashboard could have missed it…. O.o

Anyhow, this tea! I epically failed at steeping it the first time, but this time used my usual oolong parameters, and MASSIVE SUCCESS! Caramelly, orangey, with a light oolong background. This is pretty good. I’m sad that I wasted so much leaf (SO MUCH.) on a miserably failed attempt, but glad that I can now rate this tea while drinking a properly brewed, delicious cup of it! Had I more of this, it would probably make it into the morning rotation, but I only have enough left for a cup and won’t likely be making another Della Terra order in the overly near future (please don’t come out with new blends!) so… it will have to wait. Eventually, though.

ETA: Not sure if it’s just my tastebuds, but infusion #2 wasn’t great. Ah well. The first was awesome.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Happy Steepsterversary!


Haha yay for you! :)


Yay! Congratulations!!!


Thanks! :D


yay! congrats!! :P


i knew you could do it.
drinks all the teas!


Good job! That’s so much tea. I hope you managed to sleep last night!


Haha, I was fine and slept well… but I didn’t drink all that much tea today :P




Congrats! :D

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2291 tasting notes

I searched through my sample and realized I only have 1 caramel piece! Haha. Oops? I have lots of orange peel, though.

1 tsp in 8 oz water. I really like this tea. Sweet candied orange peels, it’s so good. I think I prefer 1 tsp in a travel mug, so I’ll do my second steep in more water.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 30 sec

You know, I never even thought there would be actual caramel in here! Mine doesn’t have any, I don’t think. Just the orange peels.


I didn’t realize until I saw someone else’s review! Of course, then I had to go searching. I might just eat the caramel piece. :)


It’s going to tempt you until you do it. :p


Yes, yes it is. But it’s in the bottom of the bag!

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1792 tasting notes

Yeesh, as soon as I cut open the pouch, my heart sank. The dry leaf smells like those cheap orange candies filled with sticky sweet syrup in the middle that you used to pick up at parades when you were a kid. You would think that it would smell realistic, like marmalade, especially since DTT was generous with the orange rind, but I guess not.

Hot, it’s a hot mess. Tastes just like how it smells, like overly sweet artificial orange candy. The second steep was meh, still chemical.

I figured I might as well try this cold-steeped, and so, so glad that I did. It is so much better. It’s still on the artificial side, but at least the bitterness from the orange rind is coming out a bit more and giving this a bit of a boost. Plus it reminds me more of an orange popsicle.

Definitely not a repurchase, but cold-steeping it is from now on.


Aww, too bad! I love this one. I can see what you mean about the cheap orange candy scent, but in my package the orange rind does take centre stage. Maybe try leaving it on its own for a bit?


Let’s hope! I’ve had it for a month now though. Do you get any caramel?


Yes. I get orange rind, a dark sweet taste like caramel or brown sugar, and creamy oolong. Not much chocolate, even though it apparently has chocolate? Might just be different tastes, too. :)


Oh, or the ingredients are wrong on my packet. Haha. Yeah, my packet says “strawberry” in the ingredients.


ICK I don’t like this one


I loved this one! def a mood tea tho


I like this, and don’t care if it tastes candy like or not. Creme Brûlée is sticky sweet kind of flavour for me, so I am good with it. But I can see where you might not like this one,

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16863 tasting notes

Sipdown (203/206)!

I thought this could be interesting as a cold brew, and that it might balance out the flavours a little bit, so I used the rest of my sample from Keychange for cold brewing. However, in hindsight I regret doing so.

At a hot drink, this may have been alarmingly strong in regard to the flavour of the orange but at least it didn’t taste chemical. As a cold brew, this is still alarmingly orange flavoured but also has a strong and harsh artificial component which is really unpleasant. I should have stuck with finishing it off as a hot drink – I definitely enjoyed it better that way.

So a disappointing sipdown.

Iced 8 min or more

I have one more tea than you btw. Not bad after adding 15 to my cupboard. Something tells me I will get under 200 again and more will show up. At least now I have my fancy kettle to enjoy more whites and greens.


And you have your awesome mason jar to enjoy large quantities!

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807 tasting notes

Excellent! Just excellent! I am falling in love with Della Terra Teas more and more with each “try me” pack I get from them!
A very nice oolong with perfection in the flavoring!
This is a lovely seasonal steep or really anytime of year but I am throughly going to enjoy it through fall and winter! YUM!
I feel they hit ALL the different flavors in this perfectly – well balanced – everything comes through nicely.
Going to go for a re-steep! :)


Yay for me then ! :) than the one i choose from the facebook contest i win hope to get it next week since normally Della Terra Teas order are fast in Canada ( that a strange thing Canada post is so slow lol )


Haha Awesome!!!


oh orange + caramel with oolong sounds fantastic. I saw very few blends with caramel + orange

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892 tasting notes

Second tea of the night. I’m sad this is gone. I’m gonna need to order more..


Yeah, this was good, hey? I ruined my first attempt at it, but my second try was sooooo delicious.

Lariel of Lórien

Is that the oolong?


Yeah! It’s one of the best flavored oolongs I’ve had. I NEED more :P

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1271 tasting notes

Have a very large cup of this tea. I would of made a pot, but I was too lazy to go upstairs to find my tea pot.

Very savory smooth caramel for this round, with some candy sweet orange. Sipped away with breakfast and Animal Crossing. There was a sailor seagull passed out on the beach. Apparently, he was trying to sail to Canada.

Anyways, time to finish this massive cup and start my day!

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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513 tasting notes

I’m always excited to try a tea that even suggests that it might taste like a creamcicle, since creamcicles are among my favourite things in the world. The most accurate attempt, actually, was Tim Horton’s Orange Creamcicle hot smoothie from a million years ago, and I can’t for the life of me understand why they got rid of them and never brought them back. Oh well.

I think I’m coming to realize that I need to overleaf most of dellaterra’s teas, as a teaspoon and a bit still yielded a pretty mild cup for me, and I steeped for about four and a half minutes. It tasted orangey for sure, and there may have even been a slight burnt note lingering there somewhere, although I had to try hard to find it. It was just fine. I don’t know if I’ll try it again—maybe use more leaf, and revolutionize the whole ordeal with some vanilla creamer. I also got a sample of oranges and cream, although I’m terrified to try it since it’s a rooibos and so far I haven’t been able to stand them. I wish I could say more about this tea, but I’m just not feeling it today.

In other news, my latest emotional rollercoaster…on the tea front:
Me: gee, it sucks that Harney & sons tea isn’t available in Canada
cavocorax: it sure is! It’s at Chapters! see?
Me: screams. Screams again. Rush over to website. Sure enough, it’s there.
add things to cart in a frenzied rush lest it all disappear and Chapters go out of business within the next ten seconds.
Qualify for free shipping! Feel very proud for incidentally saving some money, even if I’m spending in the process.
Then the website was inaccessible, and my spirits plummeted. I know I can call their customer service people from work on Monday, but I’ll still be within earshot of like everyone.
“Hello? Yes, hi there. I’m furious because I’m blind and your website is inaccessible, but I’d like to place an—”
Boss: “Hey keychange, how’s that memo coming along? Have you finished preparing that statement?”
Not fair!


yay! and oh no! all at the same time!

creamsicles are grand.i frequently over leaf and oversteep…. most of the time on purpose? lol


oh yeah. I’m a chronic over leafer and over steeper. I almost never steep for the recommended time because I know i’ll find it weak.


yeah, then there’s the one exception that spanks you and calls you a fool for being hardheaded, usually in the form of a one cup sized sample so you can’t try it again. … …. …… not that that’s ever happened to me…..


keyckange, are you sure you’re not actually a drinker of fairly weak coffee?


hahahahaha! nope, I’m not a fan of coffee, although when I do drink it, I load it up with cream and sugar :D
and JustJames, I know what you mean about screwing up the one cup samples. well, not personally, you know…


i think it’s become my M/O….. sigh. i endlessly muddle the samples from butiki. you know, the little ones in the mini baggies? yeah.


I know! and they’re perfect for one cup! I think I’m about to go screw one up momentarily. Peppermint patty here I come!


ooh, do let me know how it goes…. i’ve heard that one’s great.


I’m with you there – I can’t drink coffee unless it has cream and sugar in it. Copious amounts. The coffee is just a vehicle for all those calories. :P But tea I can drink plain after a week of weaning myself off additives. (For most teas – there are always exceptions that just “pop” if you tweak them)

I hope you’re able to place your order – wouldn’t you be able to place the call during a coffee break or something? I guess it depends where you work. I’ve placed plenty of personal calls, but within reason. But yeah, it REALLY sucks when you have other people listening in while you’re in cubicle-land.

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4324 tasting notes

I just got this in DT’s $5 off $15 sale. I had to! This is EXACTLY the flavor I wanted this tea to be! There is a nice orange flavor to it. It seems the leaves have also been infused with an orange flavor, since the flavor was pretty consistent through all three steeps and it couldn’t possibly be just from the few orange pieces. But it was almost like an orange juice. There was a nice creamy sweet flavor to it as well. The first steep had the most caramel flavor but that is understandable. And the oolong really was the perfect base. It reminds me of those cinnamon rolls with the orange frosting. That frosting would be this tea. It’s also almost like an Earl Grey cream with orange. I think I remember thinking “This is the best tea.” haha. Another blend I’m very honored to try from Della Terra and very difficult not to order a ton of!

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