Daoli Green Trip - tiěguānyīn

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by PaddyB
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 30 sec

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From Daoli

English brand name: Daoli Green Trip
Slovenian brand name: Daoli Zeleni vrh
Chinese characters: 道理 乌龙 铁观音
Pinyin: dàolǐ wūlóng tiěguānyīn
Name origin: tieguanyin means Iron Goddess of Mercy; it’s a traditional name for slightly oxidized wulong teas
Ingredients: buds of Camellia sinensis
Origin: Fujian, China
Selected, imported, and packaged by: Daoli
Steeping suggestion: 6 grams, ~ 90 °C 100-250 ml, 30-60 seconds, 6-7 times

A word about the tea
Daoli Gren Trip is a lightly oxidized tea from the Fujian province of China. This tea derives its name from the long-standing tradition of combining tea drinking with religious and meditative practices. Daoli Green Trip has a fresh taste with floral overtones. It can quench your thirst and charge you with the positive energy of the sun-bathed valleys of southern China.

Why we like it
Tea and Zen philosophy have gone hand in hand for many centuries. Making this tea is supposed to invoke the teachings of Buddha. It’s a perfect choice for quiet contemplation. A good way to enjoy this tea is to use a gaiwan or a complete tea set and brew it properly multiple times. Each new brew will have a slightly different flavor. Following these changes is a big part of the Green Trip expeirience. It is believed that the last drops of tea in the gaiwan are the most precious because they contain most of the tea’s essence. So, remember to share the last drops of this divine beverage with all your guests. Tieguanyin is one of China’s finest and most famous teas. It’s a must-have for serious tea drinkers. And Green Trip won’t disappoint.

More @ daoli.eu

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3 Tasting Notes

25 tasting notes

An overall pleasant experience. Each time, I steeped in about 1 dl (3,4 oz) of water. Drank it without milk or sugar, of course. First cup surprised me with light, mellow taste and slightly nutty aroma, followed by sweet aftertaste. The following cups were more and more floral in aroma, while still light and sweet in taste. The initial nutty overtones disappeared.

195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 45 sec

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35 tasting notes

The best oolong I’ve ever had…have to experiment with the steep time but what I got from the 2nd steep (1st one rejected after 5sec as instructed by the tea company) blew me away. Never expected to like any non-black tea so much.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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9 tasting notes

Great oolong tea. I can get 6-7 steeps out of it, no problem.

195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 30 sec

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