Fujian Oolong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Nutty, Roast Nuts, Roasted
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Edit tea info Last updated by Ederson Nunes
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 10 oz / 300 ml

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From Butterfly Brand

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5 Tasting Notes

1379 tasting notes

I bought two tins of this for £8 from a London China Town shop in Leicester Square when I visited last year. Each tin contains small vacuum sealed packs of around 5g or so each pack and the tin contains roughly 10 packs so 50g.

Well I am using my Gongfu again with 10g (2 packs) and shall be doing the following: 3 steeps:1m,2m,3m 100ºC/212ºF

Whilst raw the tea is small and medium brown in tight twisted shapes with a slight roasted and floral scent.
Once rinsed there is a thick and sweet floral scent with a touch of roasting.

Steep 1 – 1 minute
Golden yellow in colour with a rather toasted flowers scent. The taste is mellow and smooth with a toasted nutty finish. There is a subtle floral sweetness that keeps the Oolong light and fresh.

Steep 2 – 2 minutes
More of a golden brown now in colour with the same strength in scent. There is a much sweeter floral tang now that has pushed the roasted nuttiness behind it in taste order. Remains fresh, mellow and light and deliciously balanced overall.

Steep 3 – 3 minutes
Yellow in colour now with a deeper floral scent. This is definitely the last steep as it’s much softer in taste. There is not much toasted nuts as there is sweet flowers with a hint of rice.

Overall this has been a wonderful no nonsense Oolong with an added bonus of being fresh, light and flavourful. Some Oolongs can be heavy or too thick with one particular flavour but this has remained consistent throughout. For it’s money this is a nice Oolong and it will cure any cravings for Oolong that I get.

200 °F / 93 °C

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4 tasting notes

Low cost but decent tea, with some subtle toasted notes of taste and aroma. Good for the price.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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2052 tasting notes

Another tea bag from huge bags, and it was really good one!

I let it steep for long, as I had some other work to do, kind of forgot it afterwards, so it can be bit more than 5 minutes.

It was suprisingly delicious. Very roasted, but mellow. Nutty notes there for sure as well. Nicely complex for A TEA BAG, of UNKNOWN AGE, probably MORE THAN 5 YEARS OLD.

As for news: We have whole country under quarantine. That means we should not go outside if not needed, but it is advised to go to parks, nature and wild. But in small groups, rather just families. So, I am spending my time staying at home or shopping necessary items to household.

Not happy about that completely, honestly I think it is maybe too much, or the situation is much worse than the government says and that makes me very nervous.

Moreover, after yesterday when prime minister said they won’t close down any town and cities they declared today 18 or 19 towns in one region are blocked by military and police. There are still no desinfection, facemasks or respirators. Some regions received few of them, luckily. Newest infected people are just 10 km ( 6.2 mi) away; my mother goes through that town every day to work and back.

I am very afraid recently. And my mood of doing school-work is on point zero.

Flavors: Nutty, Roast Nuts, Roasted

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

You got this, Martin.
Have you seen Back to the Future?

Martin Bednář

Haven’t seen, unfortunately. It’s somewhere in the plans. The song I have heard before for sure, thanks for it.


Not seen Back to the Future? Martin!

Martin Bednář

Tea-sipper: if you knew how long is my “Movies to watch list” or “Series to watch list” or “Things to try list”


OH okay. I know the list of things-to-get-around-to. My list is very very long. :D

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6 tasting notes

Had this with peanut butter and chocolate scones that I made. It was nice, added two teaspoons of sugar and some milk to my tea, next time I don’t think I’m adding the milk.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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