Rhubarb Vanilla Ale

Tea type
Black Tea
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Hops, Tart, Vanilla, Champagne, Fruity, Malt, Rhubarb, Spices, Cocoa, Red Fruits
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200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 15 sec 11 oz / 316 ml

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From Butiki Teas

Our Rhubarb Vanilla Ale pairs rhubarb, vanilla, and hops with our earthy and malty Congou Keemun. With each sip, the sweet and slightly tangy rhubarb and the spiciness of the Willamette hops grows and lingers. There is a gentle warm vanilla undertone and an almost sparking quality to this tea. We recommend letting the tea cool to reveal the flavors or adding a little bit of sugar. Adding sugar will enhance both the rhubarb and the vanilla while rounding out the hops; however, if too much sugar is added it will diminish the hops flavor.

Ingredients: Congou Keemun, Willamette Hops, Safflower, Organic Pure Ground Vanilla Beans (no fillers), Organic Natural Flavoring (vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 4 minutes
Recommended Amount: 1 tablespoon of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 212 F (boiling)

For more information, please visit www.butikiteas.com.

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60 Tasting Notes

1113 tasting notes

Drinking this unsweetened this afternoon. SUPER TASTY and I do think I’m getting some spiciness from the hops, too :)

I’m considering making this one into a tea syrup for tea sodas tonight. Or maybe Ruby Pie…or With Open Eyes! Oh I can’t decide!!

Butiki Teas

Ooooh. I think this or the Ruby Pie would make an interesting soda syrup!


ooh – I can’t wait until I get mine!
(And it hasn’t even shipped yet. :P)

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15534 tasting notes

picked a random flavoured tea from my butiki cupboard and this was it. I have a tendency to hoard them and then need to place giant orders with Stacy, so i’m trying to get better at drinking them so that i can place multiple smaller orders and not miss anything i might love. This one appears to be a tea that will grow on me as i drink it. I love the hoppy sort of rhubarby taste to this. mmmmm


I think I’ve found that I don’t love rhubarb flavor. I liked the ruby pie, but the rhubarb kept me from loving it. Same goes for this tea.

Terri HarpLady

I really thought I would hate this one, LOL, but it wasn’t bad at all! Probably not something I’d order, but fun to try.

I love that you, me, & others have a ‘butiki cupboard’, hahaha

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615 tasting notes

Have a tea soda cup of this, and it’s as delightfully sweet tart and flavorful as ever.

Bread Update: SO GOOD. OM NOM NOM NOM NOM. (http://imgur.com/KMqmV27)


That bread looks INCREDIBLE. Did you bake it yourself?


Your bread looks absolutely delicious!!


Yep! I made and baked it :D


And thank you caile! It might actually taste better than it looks and I didn’t think it possible!


i was going to demand pictures! so glad you read my mind. ;)

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1598 tasting notes

This was the second timolino that I packed for work. I had it before without reviewing it, but strangely enough, it almost tastes better this way.

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16875 tasting notes

Oh! Ooh!

I’ve done it folks; I’ve made this an amazing, smooth rhubarb vanilla creamy delicious sufgbidvb iadufgg mmm tea! Yes – that’s the word choice I’m choosing: “sufgbidvb iadufgg”. So, what I did was cold brew 2 tbsp. of this for a total of seven and a half hours, and now this tea is the perfect mix of everything that the name claims for it.

If only I could achieve that hot, heh…

But yeah, this is super ridiculously smooth creamy rhubarb vanilla. Like, it could be lovely, silky rich yogurt. Ooh! Can I have this as FroYo? That’d be perfect. Double churned Rhubarb Vanilla FroYo…

Sadly, I only have enough of this left for one more cold brew; but I really look forward to it! I’ll have to increase my rating, because this is awesome cold brewed!

Sidenote: I made this yesterday, but wanted to cold brew Coconut Oolong I was having earlier – so I poured this into an empty pitcher to free up y mason jar and that’s what I’m drinking this out of right now because I was too lazy to grab a glass. So, 25 oz. in a mason jar, and 25. oz. straight from a pitcher.

Iced 8 min or more 6 tsp 25 OZ / 739 ML

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1040 tasting notes

FINALLY I find a Butiki tea that I actually found some flavor in and I don’t like that flavor. :((
It’s still pretty subtle, but it’s Tart, and a little vanilla, and something bitter ish that I assume is the hops. Sorry this one isn’t for me either.

Thank you Stephanie for giving me the chance to taste this one.


Oh no. LOL.


Yeah, I was disappointed with this. I like Rhubarb and Vanilla, but maybe it’s the hops part I’m not keen on. Or maybe I should try to overleaf it…


Wah Wah! This is why swaps are awesome, though…

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2201 tasting notes

Thanks, of course, to MissB for a sample of this one. I was intrigued by it but not sure how into an ale tea I would be.

Brewed up, it has an interesting blend of scents. I have to say I can definitely pick out rhubarb, vanilla, and ale (hops), so I guess that’s a check for all three. There’s something about the rhubarb and vanilla that reminds me of something but I can’t place it. The same naggling sense of deja vu is there in the flavor as well… where have these flavors come across to me before? I dunno. Anyway, I think I like the first part of the sip best: bright, crisp, sparkling, tart with rhubarb and a light bite of hops. In the aftertaste the vanilla grows, and turns my rhubarb lambic (kinda) into more of a candy-ish flavor. I do like it, but I think I would like it more sans vanilla. But I am definitely glad I got to try it!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown!! (224)

You guys have never met me in person but anyone who has can tell you I am a HUGE klutz. I will fall over if I am standing upright and thinking, I am that klutzy. In fact, half of Montreal thinks my roommate is an ass because I fall so often that when it happens she either just keeps walking or looks at me with the most disapproving glance and goes “AGAIN?!?!”. Anyways, this morning, while making tea, I managed to drop a plate out of the top shelf of my cupboard, onto a glass that was on the counter. Simultaneously shattering both. My first instinct was to make sure my tea was okay and unaffected. You know you’re addicted when…

Okay, on to the tea. My first thought of this was “holy crap this uses a lot of leaf!”. Roswell Strange sent me 2 tbsps and the whole thing got dumped into my infuser to make a 16 oz mug of tea. That is why I was pretty relieved when I tried it and was not a huge fan. I always have faith in Butiki teas and even though hops are not something that interests me, the Rhubarb Vanilla kept calling to me. Though there is a nice vanilla taste to this and a lovely rhubarb tart, the hops just really aren’t working for me. It is almost causing a dry feeling in my mouth that is just unpleasant. Thank you Roswell Strange for giving me the opportunity to try this but tbh, I am not sad it is gone after only one mug.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Out some dishes but at least the tea survived! ; )


Haha yep. That is what matters. Plus, my family has me so stocked with dishes and plates (I have one roommate and we have service for at least 12…although I guess 11 now :P) that I doubt I would miss it.


haha, that’s good!


I’m not a fan of hops myself and have a strong feeling I’d react the same way.

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3294 tasting notes

Thank you Stacy for sending me a sample of this tea!
I have to be honest, I didn’t expect to like this one very much, but I wanted to give it a fair try, & surprisingly, it’s actually pretty tasty! Wow! Of course, I shouldn’t be surprised, since we all know that Stacy is the Mistress of the Arts of creating delicious tea blends.

Tart Rhubarb, creamy vanilla, & a slightly hoppy beer like taste & effervescence combine beautifully with the keemun. I added a pinch of sweet as well.

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333 tasting notes

First tea of my massive Black Friday Butiki order! This reminds me of Butiki’s Ruby Pie, although I think I slightly prefer the new blend. The dry leaf smells very sweet and fruity, but once steeped the aroma mellows. The flavor is fairly light, with some pleasant tartness – probably the rhubarb flavoring. The base is delightfully smooth, and surprisingly light for a Keemun. I don’t taste anything I can identify as hops, which is no bad thing as far as I’m concerned. I’ve tried one other tea with hops (not from Butiki) and found the flavor too assertively herbal – aggressively herbal, even – for my liking. I’m not picking up on the vanilla either, although there is a light sweetness that might be coming from that element of the blend (and probably also the safflower? I’ve always wondered what role that plays in blends…). This is very nice, if not a standout for me, and I’m pleased to know that hops in tea don’t necessarily have to be a dealbreaker!

Butiki Teas

Safflower isn’t very sweet. If you would like to try brewwing it on its own, if you order from us again remind me and we can add a sample of safflower for you.

The hops in this tea is very mild, somewhat spicy flavor which is vastly different from say the Cascade hops used in our PeachHoppiTea which is a very strong grapefruit flavor.


Oh, interesting – I always thought it was sweet for some reason. What does it taste like?

Beer is not my favorite, honestly (although I’l happily drink it), and I usually get the weird/bitter notes from the hops there too so I think it’s just me – I actually bought this tea mostly to share with someone less hops-averse, and am pleasantly surprised at how much I’m enjoying it myself!

Butiki Teas

greenteafairy-I haven’t tasted it in a while but I remember it being somewhat bitter. Safflower is something that we add to enhance the appearance more than flavor.

I love beer but I am not a fan of IPAs or anything really hoppy or ones that have aggressive bitter hops. I tend to drink stouts, Belgiums, and Trappists.

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