Tangerine Creamsicle

Tea type
Fruit Guayusa Blend
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Earth, Cream, Orange Zest
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Edit tea info Last updated by Tea Pet
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 6 min, 0 sec 2 g 11 oz / 325 ml

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  • “Todays tea is brought to you by the letters O.M.G in partnership with the colour RED! as in holy crap the sun and skyline is red today. I haven’t been getting up as early in the past week so today...” Read full tasting note
  • “My ‘tea‘ recipes are not complicated. In fact, they are almost too easy. Years of rushing home from work to hungry people taught me to whip up a meal from scratch in no time flat. Long before there...” Read full tasting note
  • “YUM! It might seem a little late for Guayusa, and hopefully it won’t be keeping me up past my bedtime, but since I usually am up past 3 am anyway, I am not too worried. I needed an energy boost...” Read full tasting note
  • “Special thanks to Liberteas for this one! The tangerine is wonderfully done but not overly loud – just right. The stereotypical lima bean taste I usually pick up on from the Guayusa is faint but...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Our Tangerine Creamsicle guayusa tastes just like it sounds. The juicy tangerine notes are first prominent then creaminess takes over followed by light notes of tangy citrus. We recommend adding a little brown crystal sugar for a sweet creamsicle flavor.

Ingredients: Organic Guayusa, Organic Orange Peel, Safflower, Organic Natural Flavoring (vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 6 minutes
Recommended Amount: 1 1/2 teaspoons of guayusa for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 195 F

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64 Tasting Notes

15555 tasting notes

Todays tea is brought to you by the letters O.M.G in partnership with the colour RED! as in holy crap the sun and skyline is red today. I haven’t been getting up as early in the past week so today was a nice change. I was able to watch the sun come up while i waited for the bus. One more personal training session and then i’m on my own to keep it up. Going to have to find motivational tea! or maybe no more tea orders until i get through a month on my own heh.

I really love this tea. It’s a splash of sunshine in my mouth!


If you ever need a workout buddy… let me know!


Let me know too so I can watch you youngsters and sip tea!


haha bonnie. You don’t want to be watching that…it’s not pretty. not at all.


lol this is a fun review!


I’m a big fan of the morning workout (if I have time). That way it’s done and over with before I am too grumpy AND it boosts my metabolism and energy. Just a thought. : )


Shall I play the eye of the tiger song for you? You could get motivated rocky style. ;)


Uniquity – I’m at work at 7am. I’m not going to the gym early lol Instead I tend to hit the gym right after work so i’m in and then out again before the “after work” crowd comes and it gets busy. Also means i’m home in time for dinner!


@Sil – I hear you. I happen to do all my workouts at home as no-one wants to see that. For a brief period of time I was leaving for work around 8 and could do my workout in the AM. I loved it. Sadly, no more.

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676 tasting notes

My ‘tea‘ recipes are not complicated. In fact, they are almost too easy.

Years of rushing home from work to hungry people taught me to whip up a meal from scratch in no time flat. Long before there was a movement to eat seasonally, or buy from local farms, I figured out that this was an economical way to feed my family. Boxed, packaged foods cost too much for a single mom.

Now that I’m on my own, I still adhere to a simple, fresh way of eating…and I can whip up a meal that tastes great without costing much time or money.

Now and then, I like to make whole wheat pancakes. I make enough for the week and stack them with foil between the layers inside a bag to make them easy to separate and reheat. They can be used for breakfast, with cheese for lunch or filled like a crepe for dinner and rolled over.

I made pancakes with this tea and have more info and a picture on my blog www.teaandincense.com


now I’m craving pancakes!! mmmm


I wish I possessed your talents, Bonnie. It takes me forever to cook anything and I always make such a mess. LOL! I’ve only cooked with tea once as a result.


Great idea Bonnie, pancakes infused with tea, strawberry would be a good flavour as well!
I also do this, make pancakes from scratch and freeze them. Then pop in the toaster in the morning. I will have to infuse with tea next time!

Invader Zim

I haven’t really cooked with tea other than to use it as a substitute for broth when making barley or rice. Come make tea-infused foods and teach me Bonnie!
I also agree that it’s cheaper to buy fruits and veggies than prepackaged stuff. It may seem like its more expensive, but the veggies can be made in several meals whereas packaged stuff is usually only good for one meal.


My mom didn’t teach me how to cook and my poor kids were guinea pigs for the creative recipes I concocted. They’ve forgiven me. I’m a good cook now. Old age. My granddaughter just asked me to teach her which is nice.

Butiki Teas

Yums! That sounds like such a good idea to add Tangerine Creamsicle to pancakes!

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4843 tasting notes


It might seem a little late for Guayusa, and hopefully it won’t be keeping me up past my bedtime, but since I usually am up past 3 am anyway, I am not too worried. I needed an energy boost because I have a lot to do this evening, and I’m already feeling a little like I should be napping instead of getting things done.

This is really tasty. The tangerine and cream flavors are balanced, and the guayusa adds a richness to the background, tasting a little earthy, and even a little vegetal, and these notes work very well with the flavors of tangerine and cream. Overall, the cup is smooth, rich and creamy, with a deliciously sweet tangerine taste.

And it tastes better with each sip! Incredibly YUM!


Hahaha, I was thinking the same thing about the matcha I’m about to have. Feeling quite tired already, but have to go and do some things at work that I neglected earlier, so the energy boost is probably required.


Night owls!


Is the taste similar to the good morning sunshine? It sounds delicious!


I haven’t yet tried Good Morning Sunshine, so I can’t say.

Butiki Teas

tigress_al-Kind of but not quite. The Tangerine Creamsicle was specifically developed as a dessert-y drink so it is more creamy and the citrus isn’t biting. Good Morning Sunshine has a little more citrus to it and a lot less cream.


The naming of this tea sounds yummy and for the summertime. Creamsicle or am I wrong? Laced with tangerine like fruits. Butiki Teas is run by Stacey? I just noted the wording tangerine creamsicle, after I typed what I am imagining flavor to be tasting like. Interesting.


Good morning sunshine is more like Meyer Lemon too. And Tangerine Creamsicle is like those 50-50- bars with the orange and vanilla ice cream. Really good. Stacy is the bomb! (She’s got flavor…but she’s the owner and creates the flavors…all natural!)


Yeah! I visited her site on line through Tea Trade when she was just starting out. About a year now in business or perhaps I recall incorrectly.
On Newbury Street in Boston, MA there is a sub-shop that makes wonderful sandwiches…one of which is the ultimate stake bomb. If ever there do try them. Not sure if they still exist as it has been years…when allowed to be employed. No matter. I can’t recall the last time I tried or had creamsicle; I would rather have it as ice-cream. When I have money I will get some and think of your comment. Kudos, Bonnie!

Butiki Teas

Thanks Bonnie! :)

Seule771-We’ve been in business for about 4 years. I would say its a creamy tangerine and also some orange peel shines through which has a bit of cracker-like taste.


Interesting. I really liked good morning sunshine. But it sounds like I will like this one even more. On my next order I guess!

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6768 tasting notes

Special thanks to Liberteas for this one!

The tangerine is wonderfully done but not overly loud – just right. The stereotypical lima bean taste I usually pick up on from the Guayusa is faint but it all jives JUST right!


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133 tasting notes

Cold brewed this for about 6 hours. 1 tsp for 6 oz of water. Added a little vanilla cream syrup and soda water = tasty new tea soda!

Iced 8 min or more
Butiki Teas

Wow, that sound like an awesome idea!


Mm, tea soda!

Oolong Owl

Oh man that sounds amazing!


What a great idea!

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6119 tasting notes

Sample from Azzrian! I think. Did I mention I’m in Saskatoon now? I brought a big grab bag of tea samples and am hoping I don’t mis-attribute things!

Anyhow. Brewed for 6+ minutes at about 185F. This is by far the best tasting guayasa blend I have tried – the combination of citrus and a bit of creaminess really works with the earthy guayasa. I can see myself drinking it again. On iPhone so having trouble rating, but I’d give this about an 81.

Also, mom liked this one. Not keen on flavored teas, but I told her it was natural. She’s really looking forward to the jasmines I brought!!


Saskatoon is so pretty with all the bridges, I miss living there.
I will have to try this with my next Butiki order!

Dylan Oxford

I’m kind of jonesing for a trip to Canada right now. A coworker of mine just came back from a bike trip to Banff National Park with some photos that were just unreal.


Dude, I’m not getting message notifications anymore!

Anyways, yeah, I love Saskatoon :D Rainy right now, but oh well! And Dylan – you totally should! Banff is wonderful. I haven’t been there in a while; need to go back!


Banff is really beautiful Dylan. The Miette Hotsprings are about 4 hours away in Jasper and they are awesome. Though – if you wanted to go for hotsprings in Canada.. I would check out any in BC (http://www.travel.bc.ca/features/hot-springs/). I may be biased, but they are amazing and there are always beautiful hikes and trails around.

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807 tasting notes

This is scrumptious! Tastes just like it smells, like an tangerine creamsicle!
The smell is awakening, the flavor is creamy more so on the after taste, the initial sip is circusy. As it cools the cream is more prominent and less in the after taste and more in the entire flavor. There is a slight tinge of an after taste that is sort of twangy and dry but not bothersome to me. Like dry wine. Some may not like this but thats fine more tea for me lol. Hubby does not like the Guayusa sediment but it does not bother me at all – then again he is not used to tea as a whole let alone Guayusa.
A very tasty tea that lingers on the palate!

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 0 sec
Will Work For Tea

The name alone sounds amazing!


I know right :) I actually have some orange creamcsicles in the fridge right now too LOL I have to have one while sipping this tea :)

Butiki Teas

I had originally wanted to name it Tangerine Dreamsicle but I also didn’t want Tangerine Dream to sue me.


What is Tangerine Dream? I like the name you gave it though – it is exactly what it smells and tastes like. Dreamsicle – hummm that leaves too much to the imagination ..

Butiki Teas

Tangerine Dream is an experimental-ish 1960s German electronic band. Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igDImdr5-qU. Yeah, I’m kinda weird.

Butiki Teas

I see your point that dreamsicle could leave too much to the imagination. People might not pick up on the cream aspect of the guayusa.


Ohhh yes indeed I do know of them! I thought maybe it was another tea lol – I love Tangerine Dream actually have a CD or two somewhere of theirs. Thanks for reminding me of that!

Butiki Teas

Sweet, I’m not the only one that likes weird music. Now you have some theme music to go with your guayusa. :)


Indeed and I am also playing bejewelled with lag – add this music – really fun :)

Butiki Teas

The game bejewelled? If so, that’s awesome.


LOL yeah dang game is addicting!

Butiki Teas

That’s awesome!

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1271 tasting notes

Shout out to Emilie for a sample of this tea!

Butiki Teas – we meet at last! I’m thinking I wanna do an order with them, but I’ve been procrastinating. I was emailing my husband at work about trying this tea and said “I’d order from them, but right now I got enough tea” and he was like “WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY WIFE????” Oh boy, maybe he’ll pay for the next tea order, hahahahahah!

And I just realized that I don’t think I’ve had guayusa before. I’ve probably had it mixed in blends, but not the main tea. This will be interesting!

DRY: DROOOL! Amazing creamsicle smell. I’m imagining a yummy orange creamsicle ice cream all melty and delicious.

STEEPED: Transformed into a grassy smell and with a hint of that yummy orange creamsicle smell. It’s like my drippy ice cream fell onto a freshy mowed lawn. Rest assured, it still smells delicious! Steeps up a brown-green.

TASTE: Tangy (almost spicy) citrus with a delicious hit of cream at the end. Earthy, dry, vegetal aftertaste. As it cools, the creamyness is stronger and less grassy taste. No tartness.

Sounds gross when I make tea burp comments, but this one is a burp of strong orange creamsicle taste!

WHO’D LIKE THIS TEA: A tea drinker that wants something a little different. Citrus lovers.

COMMENTS: It sounds gross that I think this tastes like I ate my ice cream off my lawn, but it is really good. I was worried this would be tart but Butiki did a great job in flavoring this tea.

Oddly, I feel full after drinking this tea – I’m not sure why, maybe all the creamsicle burping. With that said, I want to try more guayusa teas so I can compare with this. Overall, very tasty and different than other teas I’ve tried.

After feeling full for 2 hours and satisfied after drinking this tea, I gave in and made an order with Butiki teas. TAKE MY MONEY! RAWWWRR!

190 °F / 87 °C 6 min, 0 sec

You won’t be disappointed! What other teas of theirs did you order?

Oolong Owl

I got tamarind pop, dragon feelers and the 4 sampler pack with pistachio ice cream, apricot guayusa, that cantaloupe one and mango lassi.

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103 tasting notes

Confession time: I love Dreamsicles. I love orange sherbet, gelato, sorbet. I love clementines. So I was predisposed to either love this guayusa like crazy, or hate it for not living up to my expectations.

I LOVE IT. This was my first try at a guayusa and my first Butiki Tea. I just received the order today and had had a good whiff of it (ok, fine, I practically shoved half the bag up my nose) when my girlfriend asked me to make her some tea. What kind? I ask. Something good, she says. So I decide to make this.

Oh, the taste. It’s amazing. The tangerine flavor is so real. It’s juicy and fruity yet not overwhelming. The creaminess in the background is just enough. Some teas with a creamy mouthfeel leave your tongue and palate feeling sort of coated. Not this tea. It’s only refreshing. There is a slight earthiness from the guayusa. It’s all good. This will have a permanent home in my pantry!

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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1220 tasting notes

Since 52teas’ Citrus Piledriver was the first and only other time I ever have had guayusa, I am reminded a lot of it. Guayusa really does taste good with citrusy fruits added to it. So now it’s time for the next step…all guayusa with flavors!

So for the first time of having something that’s just guayusa, it’s an interesting flavor for me. When I smell it, I don’t want to drink it…then I drink it, and want more. (I’m like this with basil too, when cooking I’m like don’t add too much! And then I’m eating it, I wish I had more.) The creaminess you’d expect in a tea named Tangerine Creamsicle is probably the reason. It tastes orangey and creamy and with that herby, grassy taste of the guayusa, it’s very enjoyable….Should I probably just go back to sleep since I want to describe everything by ending it in -y?

Hopefully this helps wake me up a bit. I got up at the same time I did yesterday because I went to see sheep and goats that are eating the kudzu around Atlanta parks. I fed 2 of them, they really liked whatever I had a branch of, especially the goat…the goat just ripped it out of my hand. I couldn’t stop laughing.

Or if I go back to sleep, no harm done. This is a dreamy flavor, it really tastes like tangerines and oranges with a touch of cream. If you’re interested in trying a guayusa, this is definitely one to check out. You can get a feel for what the base tastes like and enjoy how well it blends with citrusy flavors! This is going on my shopping list for later when I have less things in my cupboard (and boxes and spice drawer and so on), and I bet it would taste so good iced.

Thank you for the sample, Stacy!


Goats are very friendly creatures. The babies will follow one around much like a puppy. Love the little guys. :D


What was especially funny was after all the little goats followed the one wearing a bell, all the sheep would follow too!


Where I used to live in California the County used goats to eat the grasses along the banks of the freeway between San Jose and Gilroy. You would see a huge flock of goats grazing and moved every day. The golf courses had people who went out at night and shot pigs. There were so many wild pigs (not just boars…but mixed with domestic pigs and wild) that I was told by the course manager that there were 100,000 or more in the hills. He offered me one to bbq. Gar….good eating but I could never handle that much meat in my frig! Yikes!


lol yeah herd animals. We had two horses, one that didn’t like to be caught but one that did. We shook some grain in a can at the one that liked to be caught and the one that didn’t would follow right up so we could catch him. :D
My mom keeps goats they seem to congregate as well with horses and cows, well what ever really. They even follow the dogs around.

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