Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Natural Caramel Flavor, Natural Creme Flavor, Natural Vanilla Flavor
Butterscotch, Caramel, Cream, Vanilla
Sold in
Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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19 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Yep… I’m a Harry Potter fanatic. And… yep… that’s why I bought this tea. Of the black teas that I’ve tasted from Adagio thus far, this is my favorite. The caramel, creme and vanilla work in...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another gift from LiberTEAs! YAY! You know…it’s so fun…last night I was getting ready for bed and said to myself…self I said…I can’t wait to wake up so I can try more of the teas I got today!!!! ...” Read full tasting note
  • “Yay for Harry Potter-inspired tea. :D I was expecting this to have some rum flavouring in the mix but instead this is a mix of caramel, cream, and vanilla. These seem to be fairly standard...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you LiberTeas for this tea sample I was very excited to try it against my Sweet Velvet Fog Signature Blend. It is rather close in flavor but I felt SVF is a little smoother, more caramel in...” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Custom Blends

Taste that Sweet taste of Butterbeer. Butterbeer is the fictional drink in the Harry Potter Series, yes that series.

Created by: Robert Pirlot
Contains: caramel, cream, vanilla

About Adagio Custom Blends View company

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19 Tasting Notes

4843 tasting notes

Yep… I’m a Harry Potter fanatic. And… yep… that’s why I bought this tea.

Of the black teas that I’ve tasted from Adagio thus far, this is my favorite. The caramel, creme and vanilla work in synergy to create a beautiful flavor that is creamy, sweet, and delicious. If you don’t care for sweet teas, this is NOT the tea for you.

Interestingly enough, the one thing I think that this tea could use is a slight smoky flavor. Ha! Can you believe that I said that? (Well, actually I didn’t say it, I typed it, but, I actually thought it as I typed it, can you believe that?) The sweetness, while very lovely, could use an interesting contrast that would be provided by a smoky note. Perhaps that will give me something to do with the caravan…

Some ginger would also be interesting in this.

Overall, I like it though.


Hehe, I’m a Harry fan too. I could never tell from the books whether ButterBeer was alcoholic or not. Seemed that it was, but also seemed strange that kids as young as twelve were drinking it…


I’m also a Harry Potter fan (or raving fanatic, more like it). From what I can gather, I think BB is just slightly alcoholic. If you remember in book 4 when Harry Ron and Hermione are down in the kitchens, Dobby explains to Harry that Winky’s been downing the BB a lot, and while it isn’t strong for humans, it’s really getting Winky messed up.

Wow. I sound like a total nerd.


Erin: I was just going to say that! Not the “total nerd” part, but the just slightly alcoholic part and how it affects the house elves more than humans.


It’s good to know I’m not alone! I know the specifics of certain beverages in the HP world, and yet I can’t memorize facts for my history exams. Figures.

And it’s okay, you can say it: I am a total nerd (and proud of it)!


My hubby calls me a “harry potter nerd” and a “tea nerd” and even an “art weirdo.” The one I take offense with the most is the “art weirdo” one… not because of the “art” but because of the “weirdo” – it just has always had a negative connotation to me. Call me strange, unique, unusual, or even odd… but not weird.


Love Harry & Ron & Hermione! Have you heard Jim Dale read the HP books on audiobook? Fantastic! I listen to it on my ipod while trying to get house things done. Too funny about this tea, though. We tried the jelly beans (bertie botts), too. LOL!


My daughter bought some of the every flavor beans way back when too… but I could never bring myself to try one… I was always afraid I’d end up with a dirt flavored one or something like that.


Yes! I was quite young when the first few books came out (1st and 2nd grade), so my mother used to play the cassette tapes in the car. Chamber of Secrets was the first chapter book I ever read by myself (in the 2nd grade). All together now: “Awwwww!


Erin – as I was reading your post, I’m thinking ‘awwww’ to myself but you beat me to it! My Hubby and I read the books to our kids as night-time/bedtime stories, too. :)


I don’t usually plug my own writing, particularly on my “blog” which isn’t updated enough or short enough postings to really fit the common definition of blog, but you Harry fans might find this interesting: http://morganasspot.blogspot.com/2008/09/was-dorothy-slytherin.html


I did find it interesting, although I must now admit that I’ve never seen The Wizard of Oz…!


Erin – I’ve read your comments and I know you hailed from NJ and moved to TX and that’s all in the USA – you must’ve seen the Wizard of Oz – on TV? On tape? On DVD? NO? I’m stumped! :) __ Morgana __ , nicely written – go ahead, plug your own writings!


Actually, the comparison was with the book version which is different from the movie version — in the movie version Oz only appears as a large head. You can read the Wizard of Oz online, it is long out of copyright protection. I think I may have linked to it in that piece. It’s well worth the read if you haven’t read it before.


I honestly didn’t even know that it was a book first. I sincerely hope that in 50 years or so there won’t be kids who didn’t know that Harry Potter was a book first.


When I 1st saw the name of this I thought it was a 52teas blend!=D


I totally dislike Wizard of Oz. I guess because every year it was shown on TV, and guess what… every year, we had to watch it… UGH. It was like my stepmother’s favorite movie or something and we always had to watch it with her like some sort of cruel torture or something.


Hmmm… the review of this tea that I wrote for the Tea Review Blog just published: http://www.teareviewblog.com/?p=11567
In it, I mention that the black tea is a pleasant tasting Ceylon base that isn’t too terribly strong. I must have steeped the tea for a much shorter time when I wrote that review than I have in subsequent tastings of Adagio’s black tea. Perhaps that is the key with their blacks… short brewing time.


I’m a huge Harry Potter fan as well. Funny enough, I didn’t start reading them until my 1st year of college when it was required for a class. The professor didn’t know what she started! :) Also, I have a slightly obsessive love affair with Alan Rickman…so the fact that he plays Professor Snape doesn’t hurt one bit.


I’ve had really bad luck with Adagio but this sounds pretty awesome (and I love HP too)!


I listened to HP audiobooks (UK version is best) on long car trips, sometimes the 8 hour drive wasn’t long enough for me!


I’m with you on the Alan Rickman love!


AmazonV – was Jim Dale reading on the UK version? I loved his reading/characterization of the HP series on the audiobooks that I have!

Too true about Alan Rickman – it’s his voice!


~lauren oh my I can’t remember but it was a wonderfully enthusiastic gentleman, must better than the lackluster US one


I love Alan Rickman too!

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6768 tasting notes

Another gift from LiberTEAs! YAY!

You know…it’s so fun…last night I was getting ready for bed and said to myself…self I said…I can’t wait to wake up so I can try more of the teas I got today!!!! Now THAT’s a TEA FREAK considering I am a night owl and not a morning person.

At first sniff after steeping I was thinking this had a buttery type aroma to it but then quickly changed my mind to those Werthers Original Candies…it’s a perfect scent double!

I, too, am a Harry Potter FAN and was excited to try this tea. It’s bold and flavorful and heavy…but in a good way. Robert had a good idea mixing these teas together. They seem to swirl around and work well together.

In the aftertaste the caramel lingers a bit more than the other flavors do but that’s ok with me…and I’m not usually a caramel freak. Well done!


LOL! I’m a night owl as well, but I can’t recall thinking about tea as I go to bed (that’ll probably change). But in the morning, after I’ve hit the snooze button at least once, I motivate myself to actually get up by thinking about the tea I’m gonna have. :)


Harry Potter :-)


I’m totally with you TeaEqualsBliss, LiberTEAS sent me so many teas that I will be obsessing over them for awhile!

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1908 tasting notes

Yay for Harry Potter-inspired tea. :D

I was expecting this to have some rum flavouring in the mix but instead this is a mix of caramel, cream, and vanilla. These seem to be fairly standard components of many Adagio custom blends – no offense intended to the blend’s creator.

I think I needed to steep this longer as it’s pretty light-tasting. I can pick up the caramel faintly and possibly a bit of the vanilla if I concentrate, but the black tea base dominates right now. I’m going to give this another try before I rate this tea.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Ingredients sound much better than the title for my preference:)


Ahh… the title is the reason I purchased this tea! :) I think it might be better with a little ginger though.


Wonderful addition suggestion LiberTEAS- would have never thought of that.


If I had looked, I would have also purchased this tea based on title alone :)

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431 tasting notes

Thank you LiberTeas for this tea sample I was very excited to try it against my Sweet Velvet Fog Signature Blend. It is rather close in flavor but I felt SVF is a little smoother, more caramel in flavor, and a bit richer but don’t get me wrong it is still very good. Just goes to show that it isn’t just about what teas are used in the blending but the percentage too.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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1 tasting notes

Played around with time since I had no idea where to start.

The first time I steeped the tea for 3 minutes 30 seconds. You could really smell the cream. The black tea leaf flavor was over powering. I could hardley taste the the cream, or vanilla. It was toasty yet had a touch of caramel. The after taste was on the bitter side but thats where the cream finally came out. Vanilla still didn’t show up.
I steeped the leaves again for the same temp but for 5 minutes and I have to say the second steeping (same leaves) is fantastic. This is where all the flavors come out without that bitter after taste. Its a sweet caramel with that warm vanilla and the cream makes it seem like I put a dash of milk in there.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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5 tasting notes

Picked this one up largely based on my love of all things Harry Potter, the Butterbeer at Wizarding World, and my obsession with dessert teas. I tried it the first time with whole milk and a little sugar, and decided it needed much more sugar to bring out the caramel flavor. 3 sugar packs later, it was the perfect sweetness (which is really odd for me, since I usually use less than a teaspoon, if I use sugar at all). I guess it’s just that I expect Butterbeer to taste sweet, and I couldn’t get much caramel flavor at all without it.

I think I need to play around with steep times to get more of the buttery/caramel-y goodness I’m looking for. It was still very tasty, though, with mostly the cream and vanilla flavors jumping out at me.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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60 tasting notes

Smelled like black licorice (not my fave) to me, but tastes like NOM! So good, and I’ve never cracked a Harry Potter book :) Thank you LiberTeas!

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737 tasting notes

I got a Fandom sampler pack of all the Harry Potter potion teas for Christmas. (What can I say? My family knows me well.) This is the first one I tried.

I steeped it with skim milk in my Kati mug. I will confess that I underleafed and overmilked, so further study is needed.

For what it’s worth, I taste a lot of cream, vanilla, and caramel. The aroma before sipping is butterscotch. I taste the familiar astringent Adagio black tea base, but the flavorings are well balanced and play nicely with it.

Not a whole lot of surprises in this first cup. Can’t wait to try the others in the pack!!

Flavors: Butterscotch, Caramel, Cream, Vanilla

Boiling 2 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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16875 tasting notes

Sipdown (139/146)!

Thank you Dexter for the sample! I think I just have one more magic potion left at this point. Maybe I’ll finish it off tonight?

Anyway, made this in my timolino. It was good but nothing exceptional; basically just a nice straight forward caramel/vanilla black tea with the tiniest little bit of bitterness/dryness on the end sip. I guess I’d drink it again, but there’s really no need to go out of my way to do so.

I suppose it fit the namesake well enough.

Also, this was/is my second Butterbeer Tea (the other was the 52Teas take on it)! A year ago the concept of even one Butterbeer themed tea probably would have really blown my mind, and now I’m sorta just like “Oh, that’s cool I suppose” about it. Huh.

Flavors: Caramel, Cream, Vanilla

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127 tasting notes

I have not had tea at work in a week, I think. Our air conditioner is out, so hot tea is basically like torture instead of a delight. One more week… and it should be fixed. sigh.

But today I just needed some hot tea, so I went for it.

This smells like an freshly unwrapped Werther’s candy. Definitely full of caramel and vanilla and a bit of burnt sugar. It’s a very nice sweet black tea. I think this is one of my favorites from the bunch of Harry Potter teas.


I hope they get the AC fixed quick! Sounds miserable.


We’re on week two without it, but they say June 4th it should be fixed… we’re in the home stretch! It could be worse, for sure.


Ugh. Almost there.


Feel for you there. Ironically I like hot tea when it’s hot. I find i actually makes me feel cooler for a time. I learned this in Rajhastan, the theory is it slightly raises your internal temp for a while so there is less difference between you and the external temp, so you feel cooler.

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