105 Tasting Notes

drank Calm Head by Lipton
105 tasting notes

went for this tonight, as I have a “big deal” meeting tomorrow and need to sleep well
I say it’s a “big deal” because, in fact, it’s supposed to be a casual 5-10 min chat, however, my PhD application is semi resting on it; moreover, I have to ask someone for something?? and a superior, no less??? my (new!!) advisor and all colleagues have calmed me, saying that this kind of request is very normal and not a big deal at all, but I just can’t seem to be, well, normal about any of this

As a side note, there is only one bag left on the box, meaning we’ve made our way through at least three boxes of Calm Head (or, as they say on the Portuguese box, SOS Head, which is infinitely funnier)
Lipton, if you ever start selling tins of this, or bigger boxes, know that my family will be a major client!!


Hoping it all goes swimmingly and easy peasy for you! You’ve got this!

Sofia Vaz

thank you RA !! <3


Calm Head! I think I need that by the truckload.

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drank Earl Grey by Ahmad Tea
105 tasting notes

back at work, but a nasty bug is making its rounds; it started with my (new!!) advisor, who we’re calling patient zero; it also got to my other (new!!) advisor, and now to me
but it could also be from my bf, which, in that case, i’d say he owes me flowers

so, here’s me, at 7PM, drinking earl grey to try to stay awake until dinner (and maybe an episode of Lost)

200 °F / 93 °C 1 min, 30 sec

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I’m currently trying to get this one out of my cupboard, as it’s the oldest tea I own
I have to say, this is not offensive! I thought it would be peachier, but it feels more like an orange tea
the idea of boiling an orange and drinking its water does not sound pleasant to me, but as it turns out, it’s not too bad! there’s some ginger here as well, which is always a plus for me; sadly, no peach has been tasted (yet)

Flavors: Ginger, Orange

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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last steep, so it’s time to mourn this wonderful brew
at the moment I have entirely too much tea in my cupboard, so I’ll probably only be getting this next summer — we all agree green tea matches warm weather, right?
let’s hope my local tea store does not discontinue this in the meantime!
(btw, if any of you come to Aveiro, HOP BY LOJA DO CHÁ!! it’s a café+tea store, and the ‘tea lady’ definitely knows her stuff)

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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I measured the tea I still have, and after today’s steep, I have 4g left, which luckily is the exact amount I use on the other to-go bottle I have—yay luck!
today and tomorrow are the last days work will be open until mid august, so maybe I’ll be able to take a couple weeks off! yay! I also got in contact with the big boss regarding my PhD; he seems excited and looking forward to working with me, which is WILD! what do you mean a top researcher in my field is looking forward to working with ME! WHAT!!!!

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

That is awesome news! All of it! I am glad you are getting nice break AND the big boss is excited. Take that sunshine and put it in your heart and take it out whenever you need it!

Sofia Vaz

thank you both! <3

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sipping while reviewing a hellish extended abstract, but at least the weather is much cooler now!

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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green tea is a life saver in this weather; sad they didn’t have Nortada when I got this, as mint would be a great addition here :)

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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fully back to work after the defense!
today is a really hot day for me (32C!), so the lemon here is very welcome; I don’t tend to let this tea cool down much, but it’s great!

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Teca is still tense, but I think she has slightly forgiven me.

I officially have a jury table for my dissertation defense! Every step in this process makes everything much more “real,” which is scary. Then again, I have so much to do that I’m not sure I have the time to worry about that :)

Here’s to drowning in work!

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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