814 Tasting Notes
again with the cinnamon!
i think i knew which teas wouldn’t interest me from the advent calendar and saved them all for last cuz ie procrastinated. some that i expected to not like really did surprise me! but still a few of the teas were exactly what i expected. i gave it a go anyways :)
again i drank this one last night.
i bought chinese for the whole house to eat for new years eve dinner and we drank fancy beers until midnight. i was nice and relaxed and low stress.
i also finished the infinity scarf i was knitting.
i’m wearing it now. and it’s very comfy.
so that was the end to my year in a nutshell. and it was just as it should be.
wow more mellow than i thought it would be.
like way more mellow.
i really got this sample cuz my sister showed interest.
i drank this tea yesterday. i’m catching up on some logging now before i have to go back to work tomorrow.
it’s gonna be a really busy next few weeks.
i guess it’s just natural to drink apple teas and compare them all to each other.
this one falls somewhere in the middle of my tastes.
i think the flavors of apple and black tea naturally make a really complimentary combination, so maybe when too many other flavors get involved my interest starts to wayne.
glad i bought it though! apple teas are never a mistake :)
i like puerhs a lot, and i love coconut and chocolate, but something about this tea was a bit to chai for me?
i’m gonna definitely have it again and maybe add some milk and agave. i bet it will grow on me. it probably just wasn’t really what i was in the mood for is all.
first tea of the day, and i loved it. LOVED it.
simple and yet such a heartfelt warming tea. might have another pot right now.
i feel sensitive today and think i need it :)
tea log # 590. i’m totally gonna write and drink 10 more teas.
new year here i come!
even more of a side note,
i know you’re not supposed to ever talk about money, politics, or religion.
but steepster is such a kind and friendly and still kinda generic arena that maybe it’d be okay to share the fact that, as of right now, i am completely out of debt. no credit card. no student loans. no utilities due. no large looming costs on the horizon.
i may not have a car or a house or much savings, but along with the meaningful relationships and bonds in my life, plus my health and also art to experience, i now blissfully have a certain amount of freedom that having no debt can offer me in the coming year.
i feel insanely grateful. i mean, i worked really hard, but i still feel like it involves a certain amount of luck too.
(i work hard to be good, and i fail sometimes, and i also beat myself up too much, but i try to repair and fix it all whenever possible. my heart my heart.)
i just hope that i am deserving of this new development during the year to come.
yesterday i went to dinner with two other tea drinkers. they are ladies who like white teas and green teas and rooibos more than me. so i did this awesome thing where i packed up all the pooibos (HAHAHA TYPO! i’m keepin it) and a a few greens i didn’t need anymore into my little tea share bags and gave them both samples and they loved them!
win win!!
they get new teas to try and enjoy for free, and i get to enjoy a brilliant beautiful cleaned out tea stash for the new year!!
i freakin love my tea stash now! so very beautiful.
i could close my eyes and pick almost any tea and drink something i’ll enjoy.
and that’s how things should be eh?
less rooibos in 2014.
the lemongrass saves this rooibos blend.
i have so much fic to read. i feel like my email is blowing up with new posts of stories. huge ones that exceed 100k words, and tiny little ideas that are adorable in both content and size (300 words).
it’s a little daunting? but MOSTLY just gleeful.
tea and a book. tea and a book!!
poetry. fan fiction. memoirs. non-fiction. comics. art books. on and on. there’s never enough time!!
maaaybe if i spent less time on steepster? …. NAW! nope wrong answer :)
this tea. not a keeper. i really thought i would flip for it more. but it just kinda came and went. i barely remember it to be honest. i’ll have another pot within the next week or so. perhaps i’ll amend my post when i do.
angel tea!
and this is a tea i will probably buy a tin’s worth of.
i’m adding it to my shopping list for later.
this tea has everything i love in it.
i meditated today. a whole big 15 min too.
that never happens.
i really want to maintain a practice this coming year.
i guess IF i was a person who had new years resolutions, that would be one of them yup.
2014 2014 2014