Following 14 Tea Drinkers

Sirentian 34 followers

Amateur tea enthusiast here. I told myself I would start with studying Chines...

derk 199 followers

This place, like the rest of the internet, is dead and overrun with bots. Ye...

Togo 114 followers

Hi, I am a researcher in math, physics and computer science. Apart from teas ...

TJ Elite 48 followers

I’ve been drinking loose leaf tea since around 2014 if I remember correctly, ...

ElleForest 22 followers

I’ll not adore every popular tea. Nor shall I always prepare it skillfully en...

Pureleaf 340 followers

I’m a southern boy that that continues to have an intense love for high quali...

AllanK 396 followers

I am Allan. I live and work in Long Island, New York. I have been amassing a ...

Bert Ankrom 20 followers

I’ve been drinking tea for about 15 years now. I started out with a couple of...

Roughage 164 followers

I am a qualified peripatetic berserkerologist peddling berserkjaknowledge at ...


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