Wow I’m confused…this tea has some serious hate front and center…I found it not bad at all. I thought at first well maybe they’ve changed something because almost all these 1-4 ratings are from years ago.
I got it for free in the catalog like most everyone else.
I steeped it while I made some solid perfume, so it had time to cool off also. The good thing about solid perfume is it’s so quick to finish, so the tea was at the perfect temperature for drinking when I was done.
I’ll honestly say I was expecting to hate it. I don’t care much for RoT unless it’s herbal/rooibos. But I was pleasantly surprised. I thought it was going to be weak and bitter because I used a lot of water for their underleafed sachet.
This isn’t strongly spiced, but I don’t think it tastes a thing like apple cider. It was like a cinnamon/lightly spiced black tea with just a hint of sweetness.
I don’t think I’d buy it unless I could get it way cheaper than what RoT sells everything for, but it wasn’t bad especially if you’re in the mood for cinnamon, but not a tea that’s really IN YO FACE cinnamon.