790 Tasting Notes
This was really tasty. This is one of the first vanilla chais I’ve tried that actually does taste like vanilla. The ginger is there but not hot, the cinnamon is definitely there. It’s a sweetish cup without sugar but with some sugar the vanilla and spices really pop. I made this with 50% water and 50% half and half and about 2 teaspoons of sugar. I steeped it for about 8 minutes. Thanks for the chance to try this, Daylon R Thomas! I may have to see about picking some up.
I can’t find this on their website but I hope they do still have it or put it up soon – it is yum.
This was given to me at the Southwest Tea Festival. Chado/Waterfall Teas gave the vendors at the event a little thank you gift when it was all over. I chose this one.
It is sweet vanilla creamy goodness with bergamot that is definitely there but mellowed around the edges by the vanilla. The base is a nice hearty black that isn’t a standout, but melds nicely with the vanilla and bergamot. As the cup cools, the vanilla comes out more heavily.
This is a nice, thick feeling cup.
A delicate orange flavor complements the oolong perfectly. The blossoms give it a little bit of floral but not a lot. The oolong doesn’t have the green, vegetal taste of an unroasted tea but it definitely doesn’t have a roasty, toasted flavor to it, either. This is a light, delicate tea for a light, delicate flavor.
This was a pleasant sample to try from Indigobloom. It was a balanced cup for a start to the day. Not too harsh, not really astringent or bitter. Although nothing really jumped out at me, it was just a nice cup of tea.
Sweet and smooth, with a wonderful scent of roasted cacao and butter. There is a bit of sourness that adds complexity to the taste, especially as the cup cools. There are fermented woody notes as well. I don’t get any florals – this tea is hefty. Prepared Western style in a big ol’ mug. Thanks for sharing, Indigobloom, this one goes on the wish list.
I will cop to being a bit leery – the leaves IB sent in the sample were all golden. The picture on the YS site is not at all golden. I’m still going to order some eventually to see if they are the same. :) I’ll do a second infusion this afternoon!
I just got all paranoid and peeked in the bag. There are indeed some leaves with golden tips. I wouldn’t say it was all gold though.
@Sil I’m so starting a box for you hehe