Bamboo Leaf Tea
Rejuvenate your body, rejuvenate your mind!
A review of Lemongrass and Bamboo Leaf Tea by Bamboo Leaf Tea
Company: Bamboo Leaf Tea
Tea Name: Lemongrass and Bamboo Leaf Tea
Tea Type/Varietal: Herbal
Region: Florida
Steeping Vessel/Amt. Leaf: cup / tea bags
Liquor Color: light brown
Leaf Characteristics:
1st Steeping:
Water temperature: 200 Fahrenheit
Time: 3 minutes
I fixed this tea as my morning cup of tea whilst heading out of door for the day. It was quick and easy to make. I tend to think tea bags are easiest for fixing especially when one is hurried.
The tea was nicely hot as I took several sips and the lemongrass was ideal in that it added quite a zest to my cup and lightens my spirit for a short while.
I recommend this tea because it does have wonderful benefits with usage over time, I imagine. This tea is something that I will try to continue to use.