Darn, I haven’t written a note on this one of it by itself yet, and I’ve drank it a few times. This morning, I mixed 1.25 tsps of this with about 1 tsp of guayusa. It’s a Monday, so caffeine is needed..my weekend was not the best, and I feel very tired today. I also tried Grappa for the first time last night, so that might be adding to my not as chipper state this morning lol. Anyways, this tea is quite tasty on its own, tart and juicy, and with the guayusa added it retains those qualities but I guess there’s now the sweet guayusa rainforesty flavor in there. I thought it was weird at first, but it’s actually not bad. Oh, and on a sad note, my tea is barely hot, my timolino’s vacuum seal must be slowly fading..boo. Anyways, this is a nice refreshing beverage this morning. Hopefully I’ll get some energy, although I’ve been having chips and candy for breakfast, so that is maybe helping as well (don’t even ask lol).
Ugh, feeling exhausted today too. I hope your day picks up for you.
Me too! I made some black tea for this afternoon so hopefully it helps too! I feel like the weekends don’t even help me to catch up on sleep anymore :( hpoe your day improves as well! At least we have tea, right?