This is definitely up there on the “best teas” list, and while I’m still new to tea in general (about a year now of tea tasting beyond the bagged stuff I had as a kid) I think strawberry is one of those flavors that everybody loves, but sometimes it can be disappointing. This tea certainly does not disappoint. The actual pieces of strawberry in the tea give it such a wonderful fruity flavor, and with some cream and sugar it’s almost like I’ve made strawberry shortcake in a cup. Sometimes it reminds me a bit of the creamy instant strawberry oatmeal but less overpowering. It’s definitely a great breakfast tea to have alongside toast or corn flakes, but it’s also great on its own. I’ve also tried it iced and found that it makes a nice refreshing afternoon iced tea latte as well (I add more milk to my iced teas). Fabulous tea, highly recommended.