Urbal Tea

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drank After Dinner by Urbal Tea
2575 tasting notes

It’s my turn with a Reddit TTB! I enjoyed the lemongrass here. On top of that, I tasted ginger and licorice, which were a bit medicinal and not as lovely. I liked 50% of this blend at least! The other half was meh.

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drank Lemon Mango by Urbal Tea
6444 tasting notes

I remember this being more lemon than anything else and that is reflected in my Sororitea Sisters review. Bright lemon and generic fruitiness. Good but not a must have.

Check out my full review here: http://sororiteasisters.com/2019/03/22/lemon-mango-from-urbal-tea/

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drank Lemon Mango by Urbal Tea
15555 tasting notes

Sample from VariaTEA. This one was pretty tasty. not sure if i’d call it lemon mango, but it was lemon…something mango-ish? haha. Overall a really bright tasting herbal that i rather enjoyed. Even when it cooled it was tasty.

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Cold Brew Sipdown (632)!

Deliberately messing with my sleep schedule must be doing something ‘cause it’s 6:30PM and I feel like I could sleep for the next twelve hours straight. That is NOT the effect I want though; ideally I want to stay up for the next twelve hours. And so, we’re bringing out the Yerba Mate blends…

As a cold brew, this is better than iced. It feels both sweeter and smoother and is a little less tangy. It’s still hardly kiwi flavoured at all, which is DEFINITELY disappointing to me but I enjoy it more than last time I tried it and that is still a win. Just hoping it does something for me in terms of energy.

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Discovery Tea Box – Tea Ten

I wanted to try this one because I’ve only ever had one other tea from Urbal Tea and it was a sample that VariaTEA gave me earlier in the year of a mango blend. I really liked it; so I was hoping this would give me a little more insight on the company’s offerings so that I might better determine if there’s enough from this company to actually have me interested in placing an order with them…

I’ve kind of fallen in love with a different strawberry kiwi blend earlier this summer, so it was hard for me to not directly compare this blend to that one when I was drinking it. I made this iced, and it was pretty good tasting. Way more strawberry than kiwi on the whole, and a little bit tart/sour. Like, it reminded me more of under ripe strawberries than the tangy tartness of kiwis. I didn’t not like it, but my other strawberry kiwi blend is just so sweet and juicy that the sourness of this blend wasn’t as satisfying/fulfilling.

The one edge that this _does- have, however, is the fact it’s a yerba mate blend. I really enjoy the energy boost I get from yerba mate, and it seems like there’s so few truly unique feeling blends that use yerba mate or guayusa. Just a whole lot of lemon blends and chocolate(ish) stuff. So, I deeply appreciated that this would provide another flavour profile/option.

It’s a blend I feel like I want to further explore before completely ruling out because there’s so much potential here that I don’t want to just assume that all cups of it would taste identical to this first one that I brewed up.

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drank Lemon Mango by Urbal Tea
16916 tasting notes

Iced Sipdown (635)!

Ok, I’ll be honest – I had low expectations for this one. However, I thought it was actually super delicious! It was just this really bright and vibrant flavour with a lot of lemon and mango sweetness but also balanced by just the right amount of tartness that it felt more like a freshly squeezed lemonade with hints of mango than a tisane. Little hints of apple, also, but mostly just really nice lemon and mango notes! Not overly complicated at all; just good flavour dynamics!

And now I’m going to go look up the website and see if this is something that would be reasonable to order again in the future…

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drank Lemon Mango by Urbal Tea
772 tasting notes

4th tea from my May Sips By box. I was so excited to see a fruity herbal without any hibiscus in it!

The rosehips sort of give it a meh for me and I’d probably add more ‘leaf’ next time than suggested but it’s quite lemony, which is to be expected since there are 4 lemon ingredients in it. They also list mango on the list twice and I did get a big chunk in my steeper but it’s less present, or possibly I’m just less attuned to it?

I enjoyed it more when I added a bit of german rock sugar to it (or rather, remembered to stir what I had already put in that was just hanging out in the bottom of the cup) and all the flavours got just a little brighter and I’m suddenly enjoying this one a whole lot more. Is it totally unique and worth seeking out? Maybe. I doubt I’ll buy it again but the ingredient list is pretty interesting, even if they have a disclaimer on the package about medical claims and the FDA. Apparently Urbal is a ‘health’ company more than a tea company.

At any rate, I’ll have no troubles drinking up this little ‘starter pack’ from Sips By and it was kinda cute how Urbal included a couple of empty bags in the package of tea for people who don’t have teapots in every single place they spend significant amounts of time (me).

Boiling 8 min or more 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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