tweed and hickory

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My car is still not starting, and I’m still consoling myself with tea as I walk home. :p This one is listed under tweed & hickory instead of Metropolitan, but whatever. It’s decent as a peach flavoured tea, but I didn’t get any of the “cream” flavour at all. Not bad.

2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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Another sipdown from Sil & TeaFairy.
Thanks again ladies. I used to really love Peach teas, & I have to admit, I love the name of this company, although it sounds more like a fitting name for a tobacco company, IMO.
Yes, I am grumpy.
I drank this awhile ago. Not my thing.


On the upside, another company you can cross off your list!

Terri HarpLady

And I am always grateful for the opportunity to try things, at least once!


I had bought a bunch of their teas cause they have a crazy selection but you can only buy a min of 100g! None of them wowed me enough for repurchasing.

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drank Melon by tweed and hickory
3294 tasting notes

another sipdown from Sil, who got it from TeaFairy. Thanks ladies.
This was actually rather tasty initially, although after a few sips it tasted kind of soapy to me. Don’t take this review too seriously, however. As it’s been a long day. I arrived at the wedding, & as I stepped out of the car I was immediately assaulted with a chemical in the air. They were spraying bug spray on the grass where the wedding was going to be. I’m sure I’ve mentioned that I’m chemically sensitive, so this was abhorrent to me.

I took my harp inside, & (now you’re gonna find out what a horrible person I can be on occasion) prayed that it would start raining. AND IT DID!
Not immediately, but it did start raining before I was suppose to start playing, so the wedding was inside.
The truth is, I was pretty sure it was going to rain. It was only whether it started before I started playing, or after. It it had started after, I would have had to pack up my harp immediately, for obvious reasons. Since it started before the wedding, I didn’t have to worry about getting wet!


Who sprays grass immediately before people have to stand on it, individual sensitivities aside! That is ridiculous!


I would never have thought we can spray a whole garden grass against bugs !

Terri HarpLady

I know!
There are a lot of outdoor wedding sites in Illinois, not far from St Louis. They are all in the country, most of them on private property. For example, there’s a guy that owns a landscaping business. His mom has several acres, & he uses her place to grow various plants, store his equipment, experiment with plant layouts, etc. I played the first wedding there, years ago. That first wedding, for a friend of the owner,led to a full time business for his mom. It’s a beautiful location! Also, I think his wife or sister started a floral business as well. I don’t think they spray the grass there, but many of the other similar places do. Chiggers & ticks are very common here, along with a multitude of other insects, spiders, etc, so they are spraying so that people won’t complain about bugs, & they usually do it about an hour before the wedding. It’s gross, & I’m actually thinking I might quit doing outside weddings, at least in IL. I usually set up about an hour before the ceremony, & start playing 30 minutes before. Even if that stuff isn’t in the air anymore, the aroma of it continues to rise from the ground, & it effects my breathing & thinking.


(Did you secretly do the rain dance?)

Terri HarpLady

I did!! Probably not so secretly, I was SO relieved!

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This sipdown is from Sil who got it from theTeaFairy.
Not really my thing, the mandarin is a little acidic for my mouth. I’ve had kind of a rough day, though, so maybe I should have drank it another time.

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drank Banana by tweed and hickory
3294 tasting notes

This one is from Sil, who got it from the TeaFairy. Thanks Ladies!
This is my first tea ever from Tweed & Hickory. Sadly, I couldn’t drink this one. I took a few sips, & immediately got that burning sensation in my mouth, sinuses, throat & tummy. I also couldn’t taste it at all!
I checked the ingredients list, & they list natural flavorings only. Anyway, I’m sure this tastes fine to most people, & don’t let my review ruin it for you, as I have a lot of allergies, sensitivities, etc. Sipdown!


BOOOOOOO i was hoping it would be ok for you as the teafairy sad it was all natural flavours. Oh well…at least we tried, right? :)

Terri HarpLady

Yeah, me too! I don’t know what I reacted to, but it always seems to happen when I don’t expect it, & honestly, I didn’t. Then some part of me starts thinking I’m imagining it, so I’ll take another sip or 2…dumb.

Terri HarpLady

Anyway, story of my life. That’s why I always prefer unflavored teas, even when the flavorings are ‘natural’.

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Would like to thank the great TheTeaFairy for this sample. I didn’t like it much, I got mostly kinda generic base and a bit of vanilla. I added creamer and sugar and it was a bit better that way but still nothing I’m going to rush out and buy.

Thanks for sharing your off the beaten path teas with me, fairy!

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drank Banana by tweed and hickory
284 tasting notes

0 for 2 on tweed and hickory, you guys. I guess I’m not grown up enough to appreciate bitter. Thank goodness I didn’t do 4-5 minutes like the tea fairy suggested. I stopped at 3. Are all Tweed & Hickory teas Sri Lankan? Both the ones I got from TheTeaFairy were. But I’m not one to generalize.

I wish I could love this. Half the people at our “food factory” are Sri Lankan (the other half are from Hong Kong), they probably would not be proud of me right now.

Thank you to TheTeaFairy for this sample. I have a feeling you thought I would be way better at tea than I actually am. I have all these grown up teas… Sorry. No go on this one! But thanks, now I am no longer curious about Tweed & Hickory. I think for a while I’ll stick to what I know: the beaten path :)

I must look up the definition of delicate one day. Maybe it means barely there. Or maybe “now you see me, now you don’t”. I’m referring to banana in here. it’s too bitter for me to dig around and find it.

I was trying to avoid going out to get a burger and fries. This is not helping.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Hahaha! Hurry, go for the burger for god’s sake!!! It’s so funny, I though it was a mild tea!!! It’s not you, probably my fault with my habit of over steeping everything!

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drank Green Apple by tweed and hickory
284 tasting notes

I totally should have read the description on line before making this tonight. Then maybe I would have changed my expectations and wouldn’t have been disappointed. Because if I were reading “tangy and astringent” would have likely opted for a different one tonight.

I was thirsty and thought yeah, iced tea, since TheTeaFairy who sent me the sample — thank you! — said she prefers it iced. I really thought I was getting green apple and it sounded delicious. I got no apple in sight just a bunch of astringent base. I thought to myself “ok, I know, maybe this is like the SBT: watermelon, a bunch of sugar will make a lot of difference”, so I added 3 tsp to the 14 oz iced tea I had in the mason jar. Nope, still no green apple.

Also, I have yet to develop appreciation for Sri Lankan tea. Thanks again, TheTeaFairy for leading me in this exploration but no promised land in this one.

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drank Mandarin by tweed and hickory
15534 tasting notes

“i know you don’t like bergamot, but maybe you’ll enjoy mandarin?” says the handwritten thoughtful note from the *teafairy Let me tell you…this smells AMAAAAZING. it’s 100% a MANDARIN smelling tea. this isn’t orange, or random citrus, this is mandarin. And i, am a sucker for mandarins :) So great choice teafairy! I brewed this one up and man was it a tasty, tasty delicious treat. Seriously..this one is UBER delicious, especially if you love mandarins :)

Edit: 170


Shopping list!

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drank Banana by tweed and hickory
15534 tasting notes

So apparently, when i get things in my head, i inadvertently just kind of go for it. Lamost down to 170 teas today after adding my weekend splurge to my cupboard. Not that i’ll hit 150 but apparently my brain is in sipdown mode when choosing teas haha

This is another from my dear teafairy, which will also be shared with terri along with all of the lovely notes on each of the teas so that she can enjoy the comments from the teafairy as well :) This is actually a really lovely banana tea. It’s really subtle, which i’m coming to see is the name of the game with Tweed & Hickory, but that’s fine by me. I like teas that make me pay attention to them :) This is similar to Foxy Roxy but also not. I am really digging the banana flavour of this one..thank you for sharing madam!


ohh, I’m always on the look out for banana teas. i’ll have to add this one to my list to try.


It’s a subtle banana, not in your face…

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drank Peaches 'n Cream by tweed and hickory
15534 tasting notes

I had a small cup of this earlier to see if i like this as a hot brew. I’m still sadly, over my peach happy place, but this is just slightly different enough for me to appreciate it and enjoy it. The last little bit is off to terri for her to give this one a try. Thanks again TeaFairy!

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drank Peaches 'n Cream by tweed and hickory
15534 tasting notes

thank you teafairy! I made this one iced to start because as some of you may know, i’ve been REALLY off of “peach” as a flavour. That being said, this smelled different than the peach i’ve gotten used to. The verdict? This is pretty good! It’s creamy and delicious and a different sort of peach that i quite like! I added a weeeee bit of sugar t the cold brew halfway through and the flavours just popped! thanks a bunch teafairy!

Iced 8 min or more

Oh my, this sounds amazing.


I think this tea is made by Metropolitan Tea Company. Tweed and Hickory has an excellent selection!


Culinary Teas has a large selection of Metropolitan Teas, too.

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drank Hazelnut Vanilla by tweed and hickory
15534 tasting notes

tried this again today and it’s not my favourite. there’s something about this one that is missing the mark by just enough that it seems off. Ah well, can’t win them all and i certainly appreciate the teafairy sharing new teas with me!


I have this vision of the tea fairy leaving tea under peoples’ pillows while they sleep. LOL


that would be awesome…


hahha – I love it Morgana!


Haha! Morgana that’s a cute one! Im actually not much of a sleeper, so maybe that’s exactly what I’ve been doing at night :-)
( sounds like a great job, doesn’t it??)

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drank Hazelnut Vanilla by tweed and hickory
15534 tasting notes

the teafairy sent this one my way with a note that she doesn’t like it much but given the flavours, thought that i might enjoy it. I’m still undecided. I can taste the vanilla, but not so much the hazelnut. I think this one may also be a bit picky in terms of steeping times so i may need to dial the temp and timing back. Not a bad start though.

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drank Melon by tweed and hickory
15534 tasting notes

mmmm so i forgot to cold brew this, but i did let my hot brew cool off and it was pretty tasty. I’m sending the rest of to terri because these teas are naturally flavoured so she might enjoy them as she doesn’t do artificially flavoured teas heh.

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drank Melon by tweed and hickory
15534 tasting notes

thank you teafairy This is a really delicate tea. The flavouring is really nice and not the least bit artificial. It’s not a strongly flavoured tea but it is tasty! I’m looking forward to to trying this as a cold brew :)


Yay! Yea I too find their base tea to be pretty tasty on its own. You’re instincts are good, I actually preferred it iced :-)

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