Every stage of its bouquet development is just breath taking. First it starts with unique woodsy notes and a strong leathery flowery mixture which reminds me of a well balanced natural manly perfume. But the massive power isn’t even there yet. After the magic of a rinse happened those steaming leaves exhale such a magnificent might of aromas which
is at first purely overwhelming. This whole atmosphere unfolds such a thick flowery and thick honey-ish flavor with a creamy buttery dense sweet corn layer to it. Those flower aspects reminds me instantly of those wild pu-erh sun dried buds. Very mellow and sweet with a certain resemblance of a very sweet fresh white tea.
Taste wise all those former named nuances now takes place within your whole tasting section and conquers each and every inch of it. It’s thick, full and warming your whole body and soul. If your nose is blocked a bit this fellow helps you the set it free! With this cup of tea you feel like home no matter where you at – it welcomes you with all its honey floral sweet components – protects you with a warming touch and let your mind rest and ease with a feeling that nothing can stress or disturb from just being in that moment. The “Saponin-Level” is quite high and shows a nice bubble foam on the tea surface even after the fourth infusion – this also shows the rich content and quality of those old arbor leaves. The whole mouth feel is massively enjoyable with its flowery honey accents and a fine adstringent-bitter layer to it – This buddy makes a perfect candidate to be age for a very long time. Love it!
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