237 Tasting Notes
Ok, I’m just going to come to terms with the fact that I love the idea of cake tea, but don’t like cake tea itself at all. This reminded me a lot of David’s Tea Birthday Cake, with a bit of added coconut and better altogether because the base is black tea. Chocolate, vanilla, coconut, odd “cake” flavour, maybe a bit of butter…It is overly sweet, and has that typical pungent sort of smoky sweetness that seems to dominate all these cake teas. That odd taste I can’t quite pin down is what I don’t like. It tastes like batter, but not delicious home-made batter. Oh no. Sickeningly sweet and artificial boxed cake mix. What is that about? Seriously. Stop it.
I won’t give it a bad rating, it is not BAD. Not the tea’s fault that I can’t work out my issues with cake flavouring.
Disclaimer: I actually enjoy cake from a box once in a while, for that awesome trip down memory lane: kid’s birthday parties in my childhood, or bake sales at school, when all the mothers just brought that to pass off as their own and all the kids gobbled it down as fast as they could because SUGAR. I have nothing against cake mix, but I find the combination of tea and that flavour god awful.
Very floral, with cherry undertones, and something that reminds me of pomegranates, but not quite. Astringent and very floral equals perfume taste so, no thank you, not for me.
Dear mj thank you SO much for sending this: it is SO good! Another cold brew, because I don’t know about you guys, but over here, your dress most certainly sticks to your thighs when you sit down for too long. It is SO H0T! Now to the actual tea part: the strawberry flavour in this tea is perfect: not too much, just enough to say it’s in therre. It does not outshine the oolong, but compliments it beautifully. There is a whisper of floral notes and a bit of a grassy flavour that pairs really well with the flavouring. The astringency of the tea is so light, and gives the tea an almost bubbly quality, like the mouth feel you get after drinking good champagne. Such a soft and wonderful tea. mj thanks again, this is rocking my world right now :D
I like reading your reviews because i feel like you describe teas very well, the perfect mix of someone who sounds like she knows her stuff but still relatable
Omg THANK YOU! It means so much to hear that! Sometimes I read other people’s ultra poetic or technical tasting notes and I feel like I’m doing a lousy job compared to them. At the end of the day though, I think some teas are inspiring and deserve more attention and elaborate descriptions, and others are just like “Yeah, tastes like x,y,z. Ok Bye.”. Also, when you start trying too hard in your reviews, I believe other people can tell it’s not natural – at least I can – and it kind of ruins it, ya know? Someone likes my tasting notes, yay! :)
This little dude came in the mail today and as soon as I opened the bag, I started salivating. You just don’t get how much I love marshmallows. The texture, the flavour, the shape, the feel : everything! If you ever want to make me super happy, buy me tea or handmade artisan marshmallows. I swear. I love them.
My cup smells of gooey melted marshmallows, and it makes me smile. But taste wise, this fails. Black, there may be a bit of marshmallow in there. Maybe. Then I added half and half and sweetener to try to make it more marshmallow-y and although it did help, it really wasn’t what I expected. Chocolate? Where?
Don’t get me wrong, I mean, it is a pleasant cup of tea. But would I have named this tea smores? No. I would call it black tea with KIND OF marshmallow. But I guess that’s not really good marketing now is it?
Ok. This is the best cold brew of my life. Seriously. A truly beautiful soft peach flavour, bold, but not overpowering with wonderful floral notes and a velvety texture. I did get a bit of astringency but I probably just left in the fridge for too long. When I took my first sip I was so shocked at how good this is, it’s like the fanciest most precious juice you’ll ever drink. Wow. I want moar moar MORE
Haha I am the exact opposite! I am not a big fan of cake but I love cake teas. :P Bummer you didn’t like it though, hope you didn’t buy tons! XD
I’ve been disappointed by cake teas so far as well. I still want to try Butiki’s version though. :D
I actually bought Butiki’s version as one last try before I give up, and it is on it’s way :P . I know it will be great. Stacy knows her teas, and has good taste. I have nothing but faith in her. Hear that Stacy? I’m counting on you to restore my faith! lol