This day is no good. While working at reception this morning (never my favourite part of the day) a netbook was stolen from under my nose. Kind of a big deal, to me at least. At that point, I was ready to go home, but no, I have to stay and put in more time at reception, switchboard, etc. Fine. I get to switchboard after taking half a lunch (worked the other half because my true job was hectic) and accidentally over-steep my tea. For ten minutes. This is my first try of this tea and it smells so divine in the bag that I was hoping it would correct my wobbly day. Here’s hoping it is exceptionally forgiving..
My cup has two beautiful goji berries that smell fabulous. SO fabulous. And they’re pretty! And there’s no hibiscus! (Over)steeped, it still smells good but not as intense as when it was dry. First sips are a relief. I definitely don’t think this is at it’s maximum potential, but it is still very tasty. Surprisingly mild and unassuming at first, and with a delicious goji berry taste left at the end of the sip. No discernible green tea, really, but I can tell that there is a bit of burnt something in there, nullifying my wonderful gojis. I think I will hold off on a numerical rating and proper review until I can do this again properly, but for now let me say that I am impressed. If I had to rate this cup, it would get a 75, but since I know I screwed up (again!) I won’t punish what I think might just be an excellent tea.
Unluckily (because of the guilt) it was the company’s but my coworker (who was using it) had a lot of personal information on it. She’s taken care of her banking and amazingly enough the laptop was recovered (apparently) while they shop-lifted at the Dollaram, but I still feel terrible about it. I don’t see that I could have done anything differently in the situation, but I feel bad. And it’s a little upsetting, no matter what.
So sorry to hear about your awful day. Was it your netbook or the company’s?
Unluckily (because of the guilt) it was the company’s but my coworker (who was using it) had a lot of personal information on it. She’s taken care of her banking and amazingly enough the laptop was recovered (apparently) while they shop-lifted at the Dollaram, but I still feel terrible about it. I don’t see that I could have done anything differently in the situation, but I feel bad. And it’s a little upsetting, no matter what.
What a day! You did the best you could, somethings just need to be shaken off.
The tea sounds amazing, I am always impressed by teas that when forgotten about can still taste great! I hope your next work day is not so hectic and crazy.