I feel awful that I haven’t been around lately. But that seems to be how it is during finals! I’ve still been drinking plenty of tea so I will probably be back soon.
I got this during the winter clearance sale and I got it for such a steal! They ended up giving me much more than what I think they anticipated.
This is actually a really solid dan cong; too bad they aren’t offering it anymore. When steeped under Teavana’s parameters, the liquor is a darker brown/yellow color than other dan congs. It is instantly sweet, mainly a honey flavor at that. The roasted notes are much lighter today than I can remember them. This first steep does not really produce the rock flavors that I was hoping for, but that could be that my water was slightly cooler.
Overall, this was a really good plain/unflavored tea. I think it’s a shame that Teavana doesn’t focus as much on plain teas at a competitive price. I think that David’s milk oolong is comparatively good and it is much cheaper.