772 Tasting Notes
Grabbed some more of this during a recent purchase and yessss, still fantastic. I’m a fan of Frank’s Razzleberry blends in general and this one’s pretty great. I originally was going to make a Birthday Cake SBT but it was a little alcohol smelling when I opened the package so I thought it best to air that one out a bit. The one time I ignored it, the iced tea tasted of alcohol also and I’d rather not ruin a tea bag like that. Should fade in a day or a few. Likely I’ll have finished this tea by then and possibly the resteep as well because it’s fantastic.
I read in one of the reviews that someone made a tea slushy out of it and got me to thinking. How does one do that? poured with ice cubes into a blender? hmmm.
Finally found an iced tea method that works for me, provided I follow it. Tea for my 2 quart pitcher – 8 cups worth or the SBT packages. 8 hours – timed by the oven timer so I don’t forget. Take the tea out immediately and then toss or save for a resteep. Add sugar (a spoonful per cup right now so 8 for this which is an insane amount of sugar but I wanted something sweet so I don’t care). Pour over ice and drink. Working pretty well so far.
Had this tea at a restaurant today, one of my favourite sushi places, though it’s not terribly authentic. I was cold so I ordered this as a hot tea. Sweetener got interesting because the restaurant was completely out of white sugar so I put some brown sugar in instead (sacreligious I know, I don’t care). It was..interesting and not awful. Which is about what I expect from restaurant bagged tea where I have no idea what any of the parameters are.
Silky and spicy and just plain nice. I’ll be sad when I use up the last of this tea. But that day is not today, especially since it gives out a minimum of 3 steeps per set of leaves (that’s about all I can do before I get bored of it).
Will be enjoying all the steeps of this tea in the library today, packing up more boxes of binders. I did 22 boxes yesterday and hopefully will get a few today. Problematic when I have a few days left on weight restrictions but it seems I’ll be getting a helper who is likely getting laid off in June and needs the overtime while she can get it. :(
Well, I’m still enjoying this tea. Remembered to treat the Adagio iced tea gently (aka not boiling water) so it remained nice and smooth and not at all bitter. Added a bit of sugar because candy canes are supposed to be sweet and it’s come out pretty well this pot.
I’ve spent the last 4+ hours packing up boxes full of binders and recording contents and taping on labels and stuff and it’s been a little tiring so I’m glad I had this tea to make sure I didn’t get too tired because I had a little built in minibreak excuse right in my mug. Now done packing up for the day, more tomorrow I think, so I just need to do a bit more taping and a bit of moving data from the excel spreadsheet to the storage company’s website and I’m good to go home. Will have to pick up my old computer tomorrow since they’ll be closed by the time I get out of here today. 22 boxes is a new daily record for me.
Flavors: Peppermint
This tea was surprisingly good to me, considering I don’t think I’ve had these ingredients in combination before or possibly at all. I put a little sugar in it and sweetened, it’s quite tasty. It wet my whistle while I was doing data entry and manual labour in the library stacks. It all needs to be done by the end of May, boxed up and documented, and it’s somewhere around 1000 binders of data. And I just had to look up the spelling on wet because I wasn’t sure that was the correct word. It is. WET my whistle and WHET my appetite.
Catalogue sample of unknown age. Tastes like it could be half decent if not for the artificial sweetener. I HATE stevia. That’s where the sweet comes from in the title. It sort of overshadows the vague green tea and vaguely tropical flavour. NOT recommended.
Flavors: Artificial
Compared to the regular Throat Coat tea from this company, this tastes like it has significantly less liquorice in it. Therefore, I like it better. Throat is still scratchy so time for some soup.
I really need to drink this down because it’s so very old but I have a thing against throwing out tea so here we go. I think I put in a bit more matcha this time than usual. Hard to say since I never wrote down how much in previous notes. I know that I did forget to sweeten it before the first steep because it was not at all sweet when I took my first sip. Luckily and surprisingly, it was not bitter and face-making but instead just bland. I should have then put a bit of granulated sugar in my cup instead of rock sugar because getting sugar to dissolve in matcha lattes is really difficult, I’ve found. Alas, I did not and so I wait and stir.
And now it tastes much better, though the distinct cookies and cream flavour is all but gone by now, which is about what I expected. I need to drink down all of my opened matcha, actually. The only one that still tastes like it should is the matchaccino.
For future self reference, used almost 1 tsp of matcha to a few ounces of water and most of a half-pint of milk.
Still less sugar than commercial iced teas! :)
Yes, I should think so! But those don’t actually taste like tea either, they’re more like, sugar water with a vague tea suggestion.
Haha. Good description!