772 Tasting Notes
I do believe that this is quite possibly the first white tea I’ve ever had as an iced tea. I brewed it much the same as I brew the other successful iced teas I’ve made. I cold steeped it for 7 hours instead of 8, though that was mostly because I wanted to go to sleep, not because I thought it would benefit from the shorter time. It’s quite strong as it is so I’m not regretful. Added the normal amount of sugar that I put in and it’s really quite nice.
Black currant is not my favourite flavour but it’s far from my least favourite and definitely the first time I’ve had it as an iced tea so this is a double novelty. It’s fruity in a strange way and has that sort of sweet that I enjoy but I have difficulty describing as evidenced by the fact that I’ve rewritten this sentence about 8 times in my head before giving up.
I won’t make a resteep because it takes me long enough to drink these things that the bag always gets weird by the time I’m ready to do so and this one is no exception but it was good.
This was the first tea in the 12 iced teas of Christmas that I’m finally getting to, in April.
First time drinking this as iced tea. It’s pretty good that way, actually. Same brewing method as usual for work. Make it up in the morning with 4 cup’s worth of leaves in my 1 QT pitcher, let cold steep for 8 hours and then sweeten and drink. I work 10 hour days these days so it’s totally doable.
I’ve drunk through 1/3 of the pitcher already with another third in my glass. It’s pretty good. Really refreshing during the sip and as soon as I stop drinking, the dragonwell green-tea-ness comes through pretty strongly for a few moments. If it were strongly green through the whole drink, I might have difficulty with it. It’s one of the difficulties I have with green tea in general. Also I didn’t have any of the usual ‘green tea nausea’ I have on an empty stomach.
In cat news: remaining kitties stayed nearby during all of yesterday, even the standoffish girl kitty. The initial grief has died down a bit though I still can’t talk about it or even type up this note without tearing up a bit (or a lot). I miss him but he was not having a good life anymore. The regret for the decision to have him put to sleep is that his life was so miserable now and not that I let him leave me. Hardest decision of pet parentship.
Thanks. It’s been difficult, especially since this is the third kitty I’ve lost to illness/age in 3 years. But he’s with his sister now and I can take comfort in the fact that he’s not feeling bad anymore.
I know what you are going through. In May of 2013, I had to see my belovèd cat, Elton, who was almost 19, across the Rainbow Bridge. It broke my heart. He had developed cancer and was going blind. I know in my heart that one day we will be together again, and I find comfort in that. :::Hug:::
This was brewed a little diluted. I brewed for longer to try and compensate a bit and it’s not awful. There’s a sweet bit in the middle that’s really very tasty.
I’m not in any mood to appreciate it though, since it’s looking like there is a very good chance that I will be putting my oldest cat, Sinatra, to sleep tomorrow morning. He was diagnosed with congestive heart failure on Saturday and since then has seemed to respond to the diuretics with tons of peeing, presumably shedding some of the liquid in and around his lungs. On the other hand, he does not want to cuddle or move around or do anything but move from his heated bed to the foam bed and eat junky cat food that I put on the bed with him. He is normally the cuddliest cat in the world so this is telling me that his quality of life is really not good right now so in terms of that, it might be time to end it. This is the worst part of pet ownership and I hate this decision so much.
I’m so sorry about your cat. It hurts so much to have to make that decision, but it sounds like it’ll probably be the kind and humane decision to make. I hope you’re able to get some quality time together tonight.
After my adventure with the razzleberry last week-ish, I decided to let this one air out a bit before I stuck it in water, possibly too much. If I’d had to guess at the flavour, I would not have picked cake batter. That’s not to say that this isn’t a good tea or a good iced tea, because it is. Tasty, thirst quenching, definite black tea flavour. But the sweetness in it didn’t bring anything specific to mind for me, even when I was looking for it.
Tastes a bit darker than normal, I think. I like it and the vanilla that pops when a bit of sugar is added. Milk to make it creamy and it’s a good drink for doing overtime at work. I used 2 tsp again in my finium brew basket but had more water in my ginormous handmade-to-my-specifications cat mug which holds about 20 oz to the tippy top. Probably filled it 17 or 18 oz. Also I have no idea how long I steeped it since I forgot to set a timer and then forgot about it for a bit. Whether it was a long bit or a short bit, I have no idea.
Flavors: Almond, Vanilla
Okay, now I know I had more than one review written for this tea, so Steepster has eaten at least one of my reviews. Sad face.
Was looking for a tea that could stand up to a bit of abuse when I made it this morning and this tea won because it has a clear top and I could see it, mostly.
Added some milk this time around, as well as sweetener, though I usually don’t add milk to rooibos teas. One of the other reviewers said it made the tea taste more like pumpkin and less honeydew, which is a good thing in my book.
Smells quite delicious and a bit spicier than I expected, since it has so few spices in it. Perhaps it’s just me today. I did just consume some Snapea Crisps (basically dehydrated peas in their pods, caesar flavoured), so my mouth is expecting the same type of flavour still. They are tasty and a terrible idea for me to pick up because the bag has almost 4 servings in it and I have no idea how I’m going to stop myself from eating the whole thing. I feel like I’ve been eating all day already.
Still quite nice to drink. Can taste the rooibos mostly in the undertone and aftertaste. Up front, it is sweet and a bit melony and the nettles are interesting. Good tea.
Drank this today since I found 2 packets in my drawer at work. Don’t know how that happened.
Added a bit of sugar to cut the bitterness present in my previous review. Did so and not enough to make it sweet so that’s a success. Soybeany and tasty green tea.
Flavors: Beany
Over time, since this matcha is far too old but I can’t seem to throw it out and must drink it all instead, this Champagne matcha has become very mild. Not bad, just not particularly flavourful, though it still has a bit of a taste in the back of my throat, like my little air bubble burps after big swallows taste more like champagne than it does when I’m tasting it the first time. Which is weird, but whatever.
This tea is from an old Steepster tea box that I’m just getting to since I have 175 degree water and not enough for a pot so I just made this since it’s single serving.
It smells really really green, like really great green tea! Grassy and beany and a little bit of asparagus which I don’t like so much because I actually hate asparagus. There’s a bitter aftertaste that I wasn’t expecting since the smell is so sweet.
Drank it a little cooler than I expected since I remembered after making it that I can’t drink green (or oolong) tea on an empty stomach without getting nauseous and headachey so I quick found some leftover tofu soup in the work fridge that I left on Friday and ate a bunch of tofu cubes. Not my preferred food for 9am but it works.
Anyway, this is a nice green tea but not really to my taste from the asparagus-ness.
Flavors: Asparagus, Beany, Grass