I’ve been drinking this one over the course of the morning/afternoon as Try to get my tea order figured out and get some work done. Turns out with the Nina’s order and the Lupicia order that were placed, but i won’t have in my cupboard until March…i technically need to get down to 130 by the end of February. However, since those orders won’t be in my house until march…i’m so not counting them until they get here. So unless more tea shows up in the next few days, i’ve officially made my goal of getting to 150 by the end of February…final tally to occur on Saturday heh. In the mean time, at least i can keep on working on things.
I pulled this one out today because yesterday i drank the same but the shu… turns out i like this one a little better, but i don’t quite have the same drinking experience as others have had. To me, this is a little smoky…and a little creamy. Some have said cabbage like flavours, which i’m totally not getting, but what i am getting, i’m enjoying. The last little bit of this sample will be reserved for Cavo :)
Who would have known ordering and drinking tea was so much work :P
haha it is! organising orders with a few of us haha
yay sheng!