picked up a tin at the nearby Peet’s. took it home, heated water to 185 & steeped 90 seconds. results scored a high decent. it’s made with middle-grade sencha, the bummer properties of which were masked by nutty riceyness. i prefer genmai cha from our local tea dealer (Halcyon Tea’s has less rice, better leaves), but Peet’s still hit the spot.

*btw – wasn’t sure whether it’s OK to talk up Businesses that sell tea. sorry if i broke any rules.

185 °F / 85 °C 1 min, 15 sec

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hi. been a while but i’ve come out of hibernation. cheers to iced tea season

general info
working: SD Humane
attending: national university

—> july 2012
reading: england’s dreaming; reservation blues

listening: fiona apple; daniel rossen


san diego

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