My 5 for 5 sampler from Verdant Tea just arrived yesterday! This is the first of their teas that I tried. And wow… It’s delicious. This tea is cozy and creamy and smooth, with lots of flavor. I steeped it according to the directions on Verdant’s website, including the short steeping time (30 seconds). It has a wonderful aroma, green and savory— the “soybean” description on the site seems very accurate. And the taste is sweet and creamy. I’ve had greens that tasted buttery to me before, but they were more vegetal in a leafy way, with less of a sweet bean taste like this.
I usually think of green tea as more of a spring/summer kind of drink (at least compared to more oxidized teas). But this one is very autumnal. I had several steepings, and they were excellent. I didn’t notice a vanilla taste like the site described—but I think that’s because I was tasting more cream than vanilla. And I loved the cream note, so I’m not complaining!
I haven’t been drinking much green tea lately, partly because I haven’t found one that I would like to keep as a staple in my cupboard. Well, I think this tea has changed that. I’ll definitely be ordering more. Thank you to Verdant Tea for the sampler—and for the chance to try this delicious tea.