My stomach has been spasming for over 24 hours now, luckily the morphine knocks out the pain, but I can still feel the clenching feeling in the pit of my abdomen. To make matters worse, my doctor is on maternity leave and the one replacing her doesn’t have an opening until July. JULY!! Not to mention that I need to refill me prescription and that involves trucking the whole family on an excursion across town to do so.
I need tea and I need it now.
During my last visit to DT I picked up the 50g bag of this, since it’s caffeine-free and fruity I figured I could give it to my toddler daughter if I don’t like it. Sadly, she won’t be tasting much of this since I happen to looooooooove it, especially as a TeaPop, which seems to be my method-de-jour for brewing tea lately. Forget iced tea… making teapop takes it to a whole other level! I don’t get the metallic taste everyone talks about, nor does the stevia bother me. Instead I taste smooth, delicious Pink Lemonade that refreshes and quenches. It’s the perfect summer thirst-buster, plus it’s not as pricey as some of the fruitier summer teas!
Now, to get this stomach issue under control (gallbladder? Sphincter of Oddi? Pyloric Spasm?), so that the 6 years of mysterious pain can finally come to an end…
I see they’re marketing this to kids now… haha, ahead of the trend over here!