Gongfu Sipdown (2530)!
I really thought the Golden Boluomi was going to be hard to top, but I think this oolong tea has done it. The tasting notes shifted in a lovely way over the coarse of the session, with cocoa notes pushing through in a more pronounced way from the third steep onwards and even some slight coffee notes at the tail end. However, for the entirety of the session there was one consistent flavour that won me over almost immediately: rich and toasty grilled corn. The kind that has almost caramelized during the roasting process and that has just a hint of char to it. So smooth and delicious. I’ve got one more sample from Haku to taste through, but this is definitely the oolong to beat!!
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/C35uXFiuZHa/?img_index=1
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWp_w4vHBGg