Orange Oolong (Wulong)

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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From Green Mountain Tea

Origin: China, Fujan Province

Type: Oolong Tea

Range: Loose Leaf Tea

Taste: These tea leaves produce a refreshingly light brew with a slight orange flavour.

Description: The wonderful orange oolong is infused with fresh orange blossom flowers laid over the Oolong leaves, producing a refined and fresh tasting Oolong to be savoured. Brew for three minutes for the perfect match of oolong complexity with the fresh hint of orange.

Brewing Instructions: Infuse one tablespoon per cup / per person.

Water temperature: Water temperature 90 to 95°C for three minutes.

Be careful not to steep the tea for too long or it may become bitter. Especially when preparing white teas, green tea, oolong and black teas. Always consider the recommended steep or brew times as a maximum amount of time you should steep the tea. For stronger tea, increase the amount of tea, but not the steep time.

Reinfuse: While all teas can hold multiple infusions, Oolong teas are particularly good for this. Many people say that Oolongs don’t mature into their full flavour until the second or even third infusion, so experiment.

UK tested: We import our teas directly from trusted growers to the UK. They are then tested in the UK (unlike teas from foreign suppliers) and are pesticide free.

About Green Mountain Tea View company

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Tasting Notes

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